Forum Discussion
Import Excel and Sort by eMail-Domain
You might want to look into merge query "merge" using the join type anti-left or anti-right depending on which list is selected in the dialog box to isolate and create a new domains list where the current csv list does not match the current master list.
if the new csv get and transform list is selected as the first list, use join type anti-right to get the new domains list
if the new csv get and transform list is selected as the second list use anti-left to get the new domains list
after getting the new domains list, use the query merge "append" to add the new domains list into the master list
I think the separation would be best done using more or less familiar worksheet functions and eventually combine them with oa few lines of code as mentioned above.
However I like the for me new approach to consider merge (aka join) anti-left and anti-right. That may become handy when describing the functionality in yet another way 🙂
- Yea_SoDec 31, 2021Bronze Contributor
For me I tend to not separate data set unless there are certain processes that need specific data.
Maybe the op needs to put some context on which process needs separate data set specific to the process.
The best way to separate data set without using pq is the filter function for a specific process relative to the data set