Forum Discussion
IF Function problems
Hi again,
On closer inspection the VLOOKUP hasn't worked - it isn't showing the correct results. J10 & J14 should read 90, J7, J8 & J15 should read 95. I'm really not familiar with this so I've probably done something silly! I've attached a screenshot
Trouble is that the 37 % isn't in your block of answers for the vlookup and then will give the last value that fits e.g. after the 20% There will be masters here that can give better answers but I would make a long if statement or make a new table from 1 to 100 on another tab and use that one for the vlookup. The table on the current can stay there for reference but wil be not used by excel then .
- Willie de WitOct 15, 2018Copper Contributor
The longer if statement being '=IF($E$43<A44,B44,IF($E$43<A45,B45,IF($E$43<A46,B46,IF($E$43<A47,B47,IF($E$43<A48,B48,IF($E$43<A49,B49))))))'
Keep in mind I absolute adressed the $e$43. on that spot should be the cell you check .
Hope it helps a bit
For the coloring you can use the standard conditional formatting for one color. You just have to put them in right order since the will be examined in the list order you see when you open conditional rules.