Forum Discussion
How to show certain information at a particular stage
I'm new to using Microsoft Excel so I don't really know what I'm describing or what to call it here.
What I would to know how to do is, as it says in the subject line, display certain information at a particular stage of something.
For example:
Bob produces 10 notebooks, 3 pencils, 4 backpacks and 2 erasers in week one.
Bob produces 30 notebooks, 5 pencils, 3 backpacks and 7 erasers in week two.
Bob produces 15 notebooks, 7 pencils, 6 backpacks and 8 erasers in week three.
And so on and so on.
What I am envisioning is something along the lines of this:
Employee | | Notebooks | Pencils | Backpacks | Erasers
Bob | Week # | # of NB | # of P | # of BP | # of E
David | Week # | # of NB | # of P | # of BP | # of E
I would prefer it if I could do it all one a single page rather than have to make a new page for each employee or week or whatever. So the | Week # | cell would have a drop down that lets you choose which week you would want to see and when you click on a specific week, you can see the information for that particular week for that employee.
At the end of it, as an option in the | Week # | cell, would be all of the weeks totaled, so something like | December Totals | where you can see the total production of that particular employee for that month for each category.
Something like this:
Employee | | Notebooks | Pencils | Backpacks | Erasers
Bob | Dec Totals | # of NB | # of P | # of BP | # of E
David | Week # | # of NB | # of P | # of BP | # of E
John | Week # | # of NB | # of P | # of BP | # of E
Mary | Dec Totals | # of NB | # of P | # of BP | # of E
If I'm not being clear please let me know.
Hi Bryan,
For the first part, if you organise your data in Excel table you may filter your data by slicers or directly from table headers. Latest works for the range as well if you apply filter for the data.
Total could be calculated in Pivot Table, the only you shall define somehow which week number for which month/year. Could be done in one more column by formulas or you may add months manually. If only you won't use dates instead of week numbers (e.g. last date for each week).