Forum Discussion

Pau_Me's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 19, 2019

How to count by FONT COLOR in excel when font color depends on a conditional formatting rule?

Hi!  I came across to this thread coz i was looking for an answer to my problem.  And found this post "sum by color when colors are set by conditional formatting"

However, what I want is to count all cells with red font color in a range but the FONT COLOR was based on the conditional formatting


Example: range is A1:A1000  then the formatting I made was to turn DUPLICATE ENTRIES into a RED FONT COLOR.  regardless of the text content.  if apple and banana were duplicated twice.  the result should give me NOT 2 BUT 4.  


Thanks in advance!

  • Pau_Me 

    You may place the following Function on a Standard Module.


    Function getCountBasedOnCFFontColor(Rng As Range, CFColor As Long) As Long
        Dim Cel     As Range
        Dim cnt     As Long
        Dim i       As Long
        For Each Cel In Rng
            If Cel.DisplayFormat.Font.Color = CFColor Then cnt = cnt + 1
        Next Cel
        getCountBasedOnCFFontColor = cnt
    End Function



    And then you may call this Function in your main routine to count the cells with a specific font color set based on the conditional formatting like this...


    Sub CountCellsWithRedFont()
        Dim Rng As Range
        Dim cnt As Long
        Set Rng = Range("A1:A1000")
        'Calling Function getCountBasedOnCFFontColor to count the cells based on CF color
        cnt = getCountBasedOnCFFontColor(Rng, vbRed)
        'cnt = getCountBasedOnCFFontColor(Rng, RGB(255, 0, 0))
        'cnt = getCountBasedOnCFFontColor(Rng, 255)
        MsgBox "Cells with Red font color are " & cnt & "."
    End Sub



    • Pau_Me's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      hi dear!  thanks for taking time to help.

      I am a little bit lost.  Please enlighten me.


      (1) the first set of codes, this is VB code and will be placed in module 1, right?

      (2) the 2nd set of codes, where will I insert this?


      I tried putting both sets of codes in the VB-module.  However, I cant figure out the formula that has to be entered in excel. 

      I tried this...

      more functions > user defined category > getCountBasedOnCFFontColor

      the formula i used...


      B17:B1016 is the range

      the last B17 is the first cell of my data in RED FONT COLOR (i doubted this)



      thank you very much again! looking forward to hear an update!
