Forum Discussion
Julie Breton
Oct 19, 2018Copper Contributor
How to best manage what should be one table, but across several worksheets?
Hi all! The member registry of our NGO is extensive. We are doing segmentation and collecting information about each of our member associations on several themes. One Excel sheet with one table wo...
Matt Mickle
Oct 19, 2018Bronze Contributor
Why don't you make a view of the data?
1. Highlight Data
2. Insert Table
3. Data > Existing Connections > Tables
4. Double Click on your table
5. Decide where to put the copy of the data (New Sheet Most Likely)
6. Sort the table the way you want
7. When additional data is added to the original source table. You can just go to Data > Refresh All and the table you have arranged the way you like will update accordingly.
If you don't need to sort but only need to filter or hide/unhide rows you can use the Custom View Option.
View > Custom View
Julie Breton
Oct 19, 2018Copper Contributor
Hi Matt!
The Existing Connections doesn't give me anything.
I dug around a little more, and I'm leaning more and more towards a single massive table, be it only for ease of use (can't expect our interns f.ex. to know how to use pivot tables or other arcane Excel things).
- Matt MickleOct 20, 2018Bronze Contributor
You will only see a Table section on the Existing Connections if you have a table object in your workbook. Once this is set up you would only need to teach interns to click the Refresh Button. Even better you can set the data to refresh on open. Then they never need to do anything and it manages itself...
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