Forum Discussion
How do I auto-populate information from one tab to another in sheets?
The tab names were the problem, not the formula. I changed them to text and they worked. I used the people's initials which is most likely not what you want, but you can change it and it'll work.
- mathetesJan 21, 2022Silver Contributor
Use VLOOKUP, as shown in the attached file (and the image below).
Here, too, is a helpful on-line resource that can explain in greater depth how to use VLOOKUP as well as some of the other variants that Excel offers to retrieve information from a separate table of data.
By the way, in the future it would make sense to start your inquiry here as a totally new thread. What you're asking isn't really the same as the prior exchanges on this one, and your inquiry could easily get buried.
- rech_ypJan 21, 2022Copper Contributor
I would like to know if we can populate the data if just type the part number and the rest of the data will be populated. What formula should I apply?
The rest of the info will be available from another excel or maybe different tab.
- mathetesSep 26, 2021Silver ContributorI'm leaving on a two week trip tomorrow and getting ready today.
Your problem sounds like it deserves an altogether new thread, in part because the brief description makes it appear that a macro might be involved in the solution (as well as it appear that this is already being a macro enabled file), I don'r work with macros---there are others here on this site who do. Also, when you start a new thread, please post a copy of your workbook so those who try to help can work with the real thing. - RockstarBdSep 26, 2021Copper ContributorBoss...I need your kind help...I want to use Unit of something (As like KG, PCs, LBs MT) in reference to another cell data on its same row & automatically send it in a specific column on another sheet. How to do it in micro enable excel file..??
- DebbieHarrisLongSep 10, 2021Copper ContributorOMGOSH THANK YOU SO MUCH! I never would have figured that out on my own. Much gratitude!
- mathetesSep 10, 2021Silver Contributor
An example is attached. Here's a screen grab that shows the formula, but you can see the actual in the attached file.
- DebbieHarrisLongSep 10, 2021Copper Contributor
250 sheets
Yes, they are all named SheetX!, where X is the sheet number.
Thank you so much!!
- npopa1248Sep 10, 2021Copper ContributorThere are quite a few sheets, and the problem was eventually figured out. The sheets had numerical names, but adding letters fixed the issue. (Instead of "0249", it was named "0249Jones".
Thank you. - mathetesSep 10, 2021Silver Contributor
INDIRECT could work, yes. But I need to ask a couple more questions:
- How many sheets are there with this $D$2 reference?
- Are they all named SheetX! or are the names varied in nature?
- DebbieHarrisLongSep 10, 2021Copper Contributor
I think I have the same question as others here, but I am not clear on how to make INDIRECT (if appropriate) apply to my situation.
I want to fill a column with the following references:
In other words, I want the value from a specific cell (D2) in each sheet to fill a column.
Does INDIRECT make sense here?