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noobneedshelp's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 01, 2024

Help with Excel formula

Hello, I am a complete Noob, apologies for everything!

I am making a reading tracker in Excel and would like to learn how to create a formula to find the percentage of read pages vs total pages. I have my read pages in N2 and total in O2. In P2 I would like it to say 100% if the numbers are the same.

I have used this formula and it works ISH!


It returns 100 in P2, BUT I would like it to...

a) say 100%

b) leave P2 blank if there are no numbers added to N2 or O2

If anyone could help me I would appreciate it.

(When I conquer this obstacle I'll be asking about percentage of times for audiobooks which is a whole new horror!)

  • You're off to a great start with your formula!

    Here's how to modify it step by step to achieve your desired results:


    =IF(OR(N2="", O2=""), "", IF(N2=O2, "100%", TEXT(N2/O2, "0%")))


    Copy the formula above.

    Paste it into cell P2.

    Ensure that your N2 (read pages) and O2 (total pages) cells have numeric values or are left empty.

  • NikolinoDE's avatar
    Gold Contributor

    You're off to a great start with your formula!

    Here's how to modify it step by step to achieve your desired results:


    =IF(OR(N2="", O2=""), "", IF(N2=O2, "100%", TEXT(N2/O2, "0%")))


    Copy the formula above.

    Paste it into cell P2.

    Ensure that your N2 (read pages) and O2 (total pages) cells have numeric values or are left empty.

    • noobneedshelp's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you, you are a legend! Works perfectly!

      I don't suppose you would have the answer to an audiobook version would you? Q2 is hours listened, R2 is total time, S2 would be 100%. There would be hours and minutes e.g. 7:05, 7:05, 100%

  • In P2:

    =IF(OR(N2:O2=""), "", N2/O2)

    Format P2 as a percentage with 0 decimal places.

    • noobneedshelp's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you, this did solve the blank cells dilemma but returned the value as 1 instead of 100%
