Forum Discussion
Tobias Askholm Bülow
Sep 27, 2018Copper Contributor
Help with an autofill problem
We have a problem where we have to make 500 lines of the text ALARM{[NUM]} Where the single difference on each line is that num goes from 1 to 500, and Excell doesn't seem capable of this. Is th...
- Sep 27, 2018
pls see attached file.
one by VBA - one by manual process.
hope you can make something out of it.
Lorenzo Kim
Sep 27, 2018Bronze Contributor
pls see attached file.
one by VBA - one by manual process.
hope you can make something out of it.
Tobias Askholm Bülow
Sep 27, 2018Copper Contributor
Thank you Lorenzo, we ended up doing it manually, but have definitely learned something, and appreciates it :)
- Lorenzo KimSep 27, 2018Bronze Contributorwelcome..