Forum Discussion

Jagodragon's avatar
Iron Contributor
May 24, 2022

Find if range has pictures [Solved with ongoing improvements?]

I have to find if each cell in a range has a picture in it.  I have the script below running in VB and need to figure out how to make it work for a range of cells.         Function HASpic(Cell...
  • mtarler's avatar
    May 27, 2022

    Jagodragon good point.  this should address that issue (i.e. search for pictures on the same sheet as the range your select)

    Function HASpicR(x As Range) As Variant
    '  Yields TRUE if the cell identified by row and col contains a picture,
    '  otherwise FALSE
       Dim p As Range
       Dim r, c         As Long
        Dim s() As Variant
       r = x.Rows.Count
       c = x.Columns.Count
       ReDim s(1 To r, 1 To c)
       For Each Pict In x.Parent.Pictures
          Set p = Pict.TopLeftCell
          If Not Intersect(p, x) Is Nothing Then
             s(p.Row - x.Row + 1, p.Column - x.Column + 1) = True
          End If
       Next Pict
       HASpicR = s
    End Function

