Forum Discussion

MAngosto's avatar
Iron Contributor
Feb 14, 2024

Filter a range of cells with headers and data based on a criteria and construct a Table (VBA)

Hello experts,


I am running Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 on Windows 10. Please kindly refer to the sample images attached below for a better understanding of the context. The first sheet displays my actual setting, and the second one shows the expected outcome.


I currently have a range of cells simulating an actual "Table" from Excel objects. It is simply a range of cells where column and row headers can be found, as well as inside data values. It simulates fruit imports for different countries, where column headers are the labeled countries and row headers are the type of fruit these are importing. The inside data values are just quantities.


On the other hand, I have a vertical list with all headers (column and row headers, both included), with an adjacent cell indicating the condition "true" or "false" for each of them. These criteria will dictate whether that specific header will be considered or not when constructing the filtered Table.


The goal is to generate on a newly created sheet an actual Excel Table that only displays the information of those rows and columns that had the value "True" in the list of conditions. That is, only populate the filtered table with those headers marked as "True", as well as their corresponding inside values.


A couple of additional notes:

- The format of the "original full table" as well as the list of conditions cannot be changed. In reality, it is a large range of cells with a lot of columns and headers, and the list of conditions is formatted in that way purposefully.

- The inside data points (in my example, quantities of imported fruit) of my original full table do have different text formats. Some may be expressed as currencies, others as simple numbers. Ideally, the filtered table should contain the same format for each data point, but I could also do it if they all remain as numbers if the latter is not possible.


I have been trying for several days to run an efficient code for this, but I was not even close to getting it. Need fresh ideas.


Images for context:


Full Table & CriteriaExpected Outcome


Thank you so much in advance for your kind help.



  • MAngosto 

    Try this:

    Sub FilteredTable()
        Dim sw As Worksheet
        Dim tw As Worksheet
        Dim sr As Long
        Dim m As Long
        Dim sc As Long
        Dim n As Long
        Dim tr As Long
        Dim tc As Long
        Dim rg As Range
        Dim f As Boolean
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set sw = ActiveSheet
        m = sw.Range("B4").End(xlDown).Row
        n = sw.Range("C3").End(xlToRight).Column
        Set rg = sw.Range("O3").CurrentRegion
        Set tw = Worksheets.Add(After:=sw)
        tw.Range("B2").Value = "Product"
        tr = 2
        For sr = 4 To m
            If Application.VLookup(sw.Cells(sr, 2).Value, rg, 2, False) = "True" Then
                tr = tr + 1
                tw.Cells(tr, 2).Value = sw.Cells(sr, 2).Value
                tc = 2
                For sc = 3 To n
                    If Application.VLookup(sw.Cells(3, sc), rg, 2, False) = "True" Then
                        tc = tc + 1
                        If Not f Then
                            tw.Cells(2, tc).Value = sw.Cells(3, sc).Value
                            If sc = n Then
                                f = True
                            End If
                        End If
                        sw.Cells(sr, sc).Copy Destination:=tw.Cells(tr, tc)
                    End If
                Next sc
            End If
        Next sr
        tw.ListObjects.Add Source:=tw.Range("B2").CurrentRegion, XlListObjectHasHeaders:=xlYes
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
  • MAngosto 

    Try this:

    Sub FilteredTable()
        Dim sw As Worksheet
        Dim tw As Worksheet
        Dim sr As Long
        Dim m As Long
        Dim sc As Long
        Dim n As Long
        Dim tr As Long
        Dim tc As Long
        Dim rg As Range
        Dim f As Boolean
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Set sw = ActiveSheet
        m = sw.Range("B4").End(xlDown).Row
        n = sw.Range("C3").End(xlToRight).Column
        Set rg = sw.Range("O3").CurrentRegion
        Set tw = Worksheets.Add(After:=sw)
        tw.Range("B2").Value = "Product"
        tr = 2
        For sr = 4 To m
            If Application.VLookup(sw.Cells(sr, 2).Value, rg, 2, False) = "True" Then
                tr = tr + 1
                tw.Cells(tr, 2).Value = sw.Cells(sr, 2).Value
                tc = 2
                For sc = 3 To n
                    If Application.VLookup(sw.Cells(3, sc), rg, 2, False) = "True" Then
                        tc = tc + 1
                        If Not f Then
                            tw.Cells(2, tc).Value = sw.Cells(3, sc).Value
                            If sc = n Then
                                f = True
                            End If
                        End If
                        sw.Cells(sr, sc).Copy Destination:=tw.Cells(tr, tc)
                    End If
                Next sc
            End If
        Next sr
        tw.ListObjects.Add Source:=tw.Range("B2").CurrentRegion, XlListObjectHasHeaders:=xlYes
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub
    • MAngosto's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Thank you for your kind support! It actually worked excellently!

      May I ask you for a simple walkthrough on the logic behind it? It's only been a few months since I entered the VBA world, and although I seem to understand the structure of the code, I miss some of it (mainly the lines where tr = 2, tr = tr +1, etc).

      I would now need to rewrite it to fit a larger dataset, and I would highly appreciate an explanation of exactly what needs to change in order to fit my actual and real data.

      Thank you again for your support and efficient response. I really appreciate it.

    • MAngosto's avatar
      Iron Contributor
      Thank you for your kind support! It actually worked excellently!

      May I ask you for a simple walkthrough on the logic behind it? It's only been few months since I am into the VBA world and, although I seem to understand the structure of the code, I miss some of it (mainly the lines where tr = 2, tr = tr +1, etc).

      I would now need to rewrite it to fit a larger dataset and I would highly appreciate an explanation on exactly what needs to change in order to fit my actual and real data.

      Thank you again for your support and efficient response. I really appreciate it.

      • MAngosto 

        Hi Martin,

        The variables are used as follows:

            Dim sw As Worksheet - source worksheet: the sheet with the data
            Dim tw As Worksheet - target worksheet: the new sheet on which the table is created
            Dim sr As Long - source row: row number on the source sheet
            Dim m As Long - row number of the last data row on the source sheet
            Dim sc As Long - source column: column number on the source sheet
            Dim n As Long - column number of the last column on the source sheet
            Dim tr As Long - target row: row number on the target sheet
            Dim tc As Long - target column: column number on the target sheet
            Dim rg As Range - the range that contains the categories plus the true/false values
            Dim f As Boolean - a true/false variable that keeps track of whether we have filled the column headers on the target sheet

        The code initialized the target row tr as 2.

        The code loops through the rows of the source data and checks whether the product has True in the range on the right.

        If so, it increments the target row by 1, to move to the next row to be written. If it's the first one (f is False), it checks the column headers to be used and writes them to row 2 of the target sheet.

        It then loops through the cells in the current row of the source sheet and when appropriate, copies them to the target sheet.

        At the end, the range on the target sheet is converted to a table.

  • peiyezhu's avatar
    Bronze Contributor


    Set Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Conn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Ace.OLEDB.12.0;Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;';Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.FullName
    sql="select * from [Sheet1$]"
    fields="Product," & "Spain,Italy"
    'here use function textjoin to get fields and products true e.g. Spain,Italy and Apple,Orange ;the source sheet data starts at range a1
    criteria=" where instr(""Apple,Orange"",Product)>0"
    sql="select " & fields & " from [Sheet1$]" & criteria
    Set Rst=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    Rst.CursorLocation = 3 sql,conn,adOpenKeyset,3

    ActiveCell.CopyFromRecordset Rst



    • MAngosto's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Thank you for your kind reply. I do not doubt it could be useful.

      Unfortunately, I am not familiarized with ADO at all, and I am afraid I will not even get to understand your code. Do you have, by any chance, a purely VBA version of it?

      Thanks again.
      • peiyezhu's avatar
        Bronze Contributor
        purely VBA version of it?

        Yes,this is pure vba.

        Have you run it?
