Forum Discussion

bracurrie's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 18, 2024

Filter a list based on another list

I have a list of SKUs as text strings in one worksheet. I have another worksheet with rows of transactions that use Item Names that contain the SKU strings plus other text.  I want to filter the rows of transactions against the list SKUs in the one worksheet.

Example: SKU "BG HG:TL123" Transaction row Item Name "BG HG:TL123 Fuzzy Dice"

I want to filter and find all transactions that have Item Names that contain a SKU from the list in the one worksheet.

Thanks ahead for the help.


  • bracurrie 

    Let's say the SKUs are in A2:A200 on a sheet named SKU List, and the transactions in A2 and down on a sheet named Transactions.

    In B2 on the Transactions sheet, enter the formula

    =ISNUMBER(XMATCH(1, SEARCH('SKU List'!$A$2:$A$200, A2)))

    Fill down.

    You can now easily filter the transactions on TRUE in column B.

  • bracurrie 

    Let's say the SKUs are in A2:A200 on a sheet named SKU List, and the transactions in A2 and down on a sheet named Transactions.

    In B2 on the Transactions sheet, enter the formula

    =ISNUMBER(XMATCH(1, SEARCH('SKU List'!$A$2:$A$200, A2)))

    Fill down.

    You can now easily filter the transactions on TRUE in column B.
