Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Jan 02, 2019

File locked for editing - always same person

We have a workbook that is worked in by multiple people. When the file is opened by someone else and you try opening it, it prevents you from opening it in edit mode - just like it should.


The problem we are having is that it always says that the file is opened by this one person, even if this is not the case. This makes for a lot of frustration ("who has the file opened?") since we don't know who has it. The same can be said for when someone forgets to close the file when they go to lunch...


Is there a way around this or does anybody know why it happens? This is one of two workbooks we encounter this problem with.

  • Okay, so I solved this today.

    Apparently it had to do with a corrupted temp file related to the workbook.


    All that needed to be done was to go into the folder view options, unchecking"Hide protected operating system files" and then removing the '~$FileName.xlsm' file. This also seems to have sped up the process of opening the workbook :)
