Forum Discussion
Dec 25, 2023Iron Contributor
Exporting to CSV. Can I use another character than " to enclose text?
(there is a similar question in, but the case described below has an issue with single doublequotes...
- Dec 29, 2023
Sure 🙂
First I export to a csv file. I am using ANSI encoding due to special characters.
The script acts like sed(1) from linux.
It replaces
';"' with ';'
'";' with ';'
'""' with '"'
6;"This is 3""";22
6;This is 3";22
Here is the rather simple script:
# fixquotes.ps1 param ( [string]$FilePath ) # Read the content of the file $content = Get-Content -Raw $FilePath # Perform the desired replacements $newContent = $content -replace ';"', ';' -replace '";', ';' -replace '""', '"' # Remove empty lines at the end $newContent = $newContent.TrimEnd() # Get the original file extension $originalExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FilePath) # Construct the output file path with the same basename and the desired suffix $originalBasename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FilePath) $outputFilePath = "$originalBasename-quotesfixed$originalExtension" # Write the modified content to the output file with ANSI encoding $newContent | Set-Content -Path $outputFilePath -Encoding Default # Optional: Display a message indicating success Write-Host "Replacements completed. Modified content saved to '$outputFilePath' with ANSI encoding."
Have fun.
Dec 27, 2023Silver Contributor
Pre-requisite: DAX Studio installed
- Load the data to Power Query
- Add quotes around [Column2] (see attached sample)
- Load the query as Connection only + check Add this data to the Data Model
- Launch DAX Studio
- File > Options > Custom Export Format > Switch off 'Quote String Fields' > Back
- Home (tab) > Results > File
- DAX Query: EVALUATE Table1 > Run
- ...
Result (here):