Forum Discussion

dtbsmith's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 27, 2023

Excel Power Query/Data Model with Many to Many Relationship and Text Values in Pivot Table

Hi Excel Wizards! I've trying to build a Pivot Table that utilises outputs from building assets and enables them to filter and search the data. I've managed to get a work around to avoid the many-...
  • SergeiBaklan's avatar
    Jul 27, 2023

    First, Excel data model doesn't support natively many-to-many or one-to-one relationships.

    Secondly, creating relationships first thing to do is to hide fields on many side from the client tool and don't use them in PivotTable (just best practice).

    Third, when we go from one side to many and next from many to one that doesn't work, result as you have. I'd use virtual relationship here

    DV :=
    IF (
        ISFILTERED ( Table3[Type] )
            && [Count] <> BLANK (),
        CALCULATE (
            CONCATENATEX ( Table3, Table3[Description] ),
            TREATAS ( VALUES ( Table3[Type] ), Table2[Type] )
        BLANK ()

    PivotTable with this measure is

    As a comment, I'd use more meaningful names for the tables rather than Table1, Table2, etc.

    Please check in attached file.
