Forum Discussion

albatros8's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 20, 2024

Excel multiple columns to rows


I would kindly ask for help.
I'm using Excel 2013.

I have 16 columns and big numbers of rows (e.g. 300+)

I would like that each row, would be placed next to the ending (16th) column.

Example (only for 3 rows):


And I would like the result in one row only, e.g.:


Any help??

  • albatros8 

    Sub transform()
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, m As Long
    Dim arr
    i = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    ReDim arr(1 To 1, 1 To i * 16)
    k = 1
    For m = 1 To i
    For j = 1 To 16
    arr(1, k) = Cells(m, j).Value
    k = k + 1
    Next j
    Next m
    Cells(i + 2, 1).Resize(1, i * 16).Value = arr
    End Sub

    In the attached sample file you can click the button in cell R2 to run the macro. The result is returned 2 rows below the database of 16 columns with many rows. This macro works in my Excel 2013 file.

  • albatros8 

    Using a formula: on another sheet, enter the following formula in A1:

    =INDEX('Sheet 1'!$A$1:P$300, QUOTIENT(COLUMN()-1, 16)+1, MOD(COLUMN()-1, 16)+1)

    where Sheet 1 is the name of the sheet with the data.

    Fill or copy to the right.


    Another way would be a VBA macro. Let me know if you prefer that.

    • albatros8's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      This one is not working for me... I don't know why. I'm doing something wrong, or the versions (Excel 2013) doesn't have the same functions or signs, etc...
  • rachel's avatar
    Steel Contributor
    Formula version:
    Assuming your data is in $A$1:$P$3.
    Puttting below formula in ColumnA, drag it to the right as far as your need.....
  • albatros8 

    For me the answer is "Do not use 2013 or, indeed, anything other than 365".  The simplicity of the formula

    = TOROW(array)

    shows why.

    • rachel's avatar
      Steel Contributor
      Funny most mathematicians or physicists I know love legacy, it is the IT people that prefer the more coding look alike 365….
      • PeterBartholomew1's avatar
        Silver Contributor


        No, I have maths, theoretical physics and astronomy degrees from way back, but my work was as an aeronautics research engineer.  The methods I applied were originally known as matrix methods so I may well have written more matrix formulae than English language sentences!    


        I loath the concept of relative referencing, an array of scalar formulas is a poor substitute for a proper array formula.  I don't like the A1 notation either.  In a formula I want to know what the terms represent, not where they happen to be located on a worksheet.  Sure, it works well for others who want a hands-on experience and no fancy theory, but it's not for me!


        There, that should get me drummed out of the Brownie spreadsheet circle!:lol:
