Forum Discussion
Jan 02, 2025Brass Contributor
Excel Formula
I created an excel workbook with multiple worksheets that all have formulas. I made sure everything worked, then uploaded to Google Sheets. Now some of the formulas are not working. Some are, but some aren't. I know this isn't a Google forum, but I'm hoping someone else has experienced this and can help?
There is no magic tool which solves compatibility issues between Excel and Google Sheets automatically, everything is on case by case basis.
We'd have to know which formulas don't work
- marietuttle1973Brass Contributor
Is there a way I can email you the spreadsheet so you can see? Basically, only the information in the first sheet works in Google sheets and that is information that is typed in manually. The master sheet contains all the customer data, which should then feed over to the other sheets depending on what is in a specific column. For example the master sheet has all customer data and each customer has a type. There is a worksheet for each type and once information is enterd on the master it should automatically go to the correct worksheet based on type.
If customer on Master has type of Lead, then their information should auto populate on the worksheet that is called Lead.
For example:
=IFERROR(ARRAYFORMULA(FILTER(Master!A2:I1000, Master!B2:B1000="New Install")), "")
and similar for the other sheets.