Forum Discussion

sharafi's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 29, 2024

Excel errors in good working order

Hello When I work in Excel, the Excel page constantly flips from right to left and this has caused me problems at work. And Excel constantly freezes

  • NikolinoDE's avatar
    Gold Contributor

    With your permission, if I may recommend, add a file (without sensitive data) and use this file to describe your problem step by step, or add photos with the appropriate description.  

    You'll get a quicker and more accurate answer, and those who want to help don't have to invest time guessing the problem.

    Always inform about your Excel version, operating system, storage medium/hard drive, OneDrive, Sharepoint, etc.).


    Don't forget no one in this forum can see what you see.

    In this link you will find some more information about it:

    Welcome to your Excel discussion space!


    Thank you for your understanding and patience
