Forum Discussion

James Noble's avatar
James Noble
Copper Contributor
Feb 08, 2018

Excel 2016 Printing; First copy prints whole workbook (as wanted), others print only first page

I'm not sure if this issue is with the printer/printer driver and it's settings or with Excel. I've completed the setup of an office printer on my network domain at work. When printing from Adobe (used as test), I was able to successfully print multiple copies, one sided, and stapled, all printed as they should. However, when printing a workbook with 6 tabs, the first copy prints correctly, but all additional copies are only printing the first tab/page. When testing both (adobe and Excel), I set to print pages 1-2 only and 1-3 only as well, and same results. Any assistance or idea of what may be the issue? Printers are always a nightmare, but since the printer is receiving jobs from other programs and they're printing correctly, it makes me think the trouble is with Excel...? But since this hasn't appeared to be widely reported, I'm sure it's the printer.'s always the printer.

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