Forum Discussion
Excel - Sorting hierarchical numbers issue
Hi - I'm looking for some help with something I thought would be quick and easy but is proving not to be the case!
I'm trying to sort a data set of hierarchical numbers but am having issues with the 8.1 & 8.10 values (etc.), whereby the sort is treating them both as 8.1 -
Copying the data from another piece of software into a table it looks like this -
After sorting (by smallest to largest) it treats both the same and returns -
I looked on line and found a post suggesting using a VBA function which treats the string as text to sort -
Unfortunately this still returned the same value for the 8.1 & 8.10 items -
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
- PeterBartholomew1Silver Contributor
For a 365 user, LET variables provide a good alternative to helper ranges
= LET( level1, TEXTBEFORE(sectionNumbers, "."), level2, VALUE(TEXTAFTER(sectionNumbers, ".")), SORTBY(contents, level1,1,level2,1) )
It doesn't sort correctly "8" (numbers without dots).
= LET( level1, --IFNA(TEXTBEFORE(sectionNumbers, "."), sectionNumbers), level2, --IFNA(TEXTAFTER(sectionNumbers, "."),0), SORTBY(contents, level1,,level2,) )
Or, with 365 Beta
=SORTBY( contents, --REGEXEXTRACT(sectionNumbers, "^\d*", 1),, --IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(sectionNumbers, "(?<=\.)\d*", 1),0), )
- PeterBartholomew1Silver Contributor
Well spotted as far as the single number is concerned.
The regex is nice though I lack fluency when it comes to group constructs such as the positive lookbehind
I guess bridging the gap between natural language and the cryptic regex notation is something to which AI is well suited.
Let's say your hierarchical numbers are in B2 and down.
Change the formula in C2 to
=LET(n, C2, p, FIND(".", n), IFERROR(1000*LEFT(n, p-1)+MID(n, p+1, 10), 1000*n))
Fill down.
- Chris_MercerCopper Contributor
Hi - thanks for replying, I appreciate it. I've been on vacation so just picking it up now.
I changed the data format to text in column B and used the formula in Column C as so and it worked-
Many thanks for your help!