Forum Discussion

ecovonrein's avatar
Iron Contributor
Jul 09, 2024

Despair over external references to local scope Lambdas

There must be something weird about local scope Lambdas.  As far as I can tell, they are a perfectly valid concept.  On a noddy level, they also work as advertised.  But eg the developers behind AFE clearly disapprove of them - AFE simply ignores them.


Leave the realm of noddy coding and Microsoft no longer appears to love them either.


Suppose sheets A and B with a Lambda myFunc in the local scope of B.  In A, we will write




and life is good.  No problems whatsoever.


Next, move B into a new Workbook such that in A we now see the reference




That works at first.  But save Book1 (with A) and Book2 and re-open Book1 and really anything can happen in that cell.  The least harmful thing I get is




which cannot work.  But my Book2 has multiple Worksheets (B ... Z) all with their own instantiation of myFunc and I have seen Excel open Book1 with the original reference to B replaced as




which is NOT FUNNY at all because, well, that Lambda does exist but, of course, returns a different result to the one in B.


This is totally insane.  Has anyone experienced this issue before?  Any solutions or workarounds?

