Forum Discussion
Nicholas Horn
Jul 04, 2018Copper Contributor
Deleting CRs in a cell
In using NCER Nexus to generate 3 year trend data output is generated in Excel format. The problem I have is that some cells contain two pieces of data separated by a carriage return e.g.:
1 2016 2017
2 73% 63%
B2 contains both 63% and the calculated difference from the 2016. There are some 3 000 data sets. Is there a way of deleting the carriage return and -10pts; leaving just the value 63%?
- Damien_RosarioSilver Contributor
Hi Nicholas
If the cells are in row order (e.g. B2, B3, B4, etc), you could maybe try the following and see how it goes:
1. In another blank column, put in the formula for Col A and Col B:
Col A
Col B
This will extract the first 4 characters (your % amount) and ignore the rest.
2. Drag the formula down to cover the cells.
3. Copy the cell output.
4. Select the cell range from Col A, right click and choose Paste (Values). This will replace the data in the cells with the filtered ones using the formula above.
Hopefully that works (a sample spreadsheet is attached). You may need to play with it a bit to get it to work the way you want.
Hope that helps!
- Nicholas HornCopper Contributor
Thanks Damien it works brilliantly. Best wishes Nick
- Damien_RosarioSilver ContributorHi Nick
I'm glad to hear it! I would suggest marking the solution as best response to close the loop on this case for other forum users to note.
Best wishes for your Excel work!