Forum Discussion
Oct 18, 2020Copper Contributor
Corrupted Excel File
A password protected excel file was saved as a back up in an external hard drive. Thereafter on attempting to open it using the correct password it says "The file is corrupted and cannot be opene...
- Oct 18, 2020
Maybe try it with this tool is a Free Trial version, if it works you can still buy it.
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I know I don't know anything (Socrates)
Jun 15, 2022Copper Contributor
I had the same thing happen to a file that I've been using for years. Additionally, it happened to all the backup files of the same spreadsheet. Everyone got corrupted on my laptop. Furthermore, my PC is networked with the laptop and all the versions and backups of that same file also got corrupted on the PC.
Solution: I accessed that same corrupted file on One Drive using the web excel software. It opened the file perfectly. i copied and pasted the One Drive spreadsheet to a new spreadsheet on my laptop and saved it as a new file. Then I deleted all backups of the original file on the laptop and PC.
All was fine. No more corrupted files....... until I added back in the password protection to the file and then got immediate corruption. I then went through the same procedure and did not add the password protection.
Very dissapointing but I still have my file!
Jun 15, 2022Copper Contributor
i am having the same problem.
ZERO problem on my 2019 laptop with windows 10 and 20204 version of office.
new files, files with text (no formatting), etc. all of them become corrupted and unrecoverable as soon as i password protect them.
- GeorgeL2270Jun 16, 2022Copper Contributor
Jim_Climb ,
I had the same problem occur at the same time on a Dell laptop with Windows 11, and also on an HP decktop using Windows 10. Both are on the same network. All pwd excel files got corrupted.
Before you start save a working copy of your spreadsheet without the pwd on a flash drive, and also keep one on your laptop.
I found the solution and all is fine as it was before. Here is what I did:
Control Panel > program and features > select Office 365 > change > online repair.
It took about 5 minutes on the windows 11 laptop, and about 30 minutes or more on the Windows 10 PC.
Create a test spreadsheet and save. Open it again and put a pwd on it, save and close. When you open it again it should be fine. At least mine was. Then you can open the former corrupted spreadsheet and and add a pwd. Hope it works. Let me know. Good luck. - Jim_ClimbJun 15, 2022Copper Contributorand i took the "corrupted file" from the new laptop and opened it on the 2019 laptop with win 10 with zero problem. something is wrong with excel and windows 11?
- Jim_ClimbJun 15, 2022Copper Contributorthis solved the problem--malwarebytes issues
thank you! shutting off malwarebytes excel 4.0 protection solved the problem!!!
i'm repeating the steps for doing this for clarity:
scroll to bottom, exploit protection, advanced settings
application behavior protection
scroll to bottom, uncheck excel macro 4.0 abuse prevention