Forum Discussion

FrogFace's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 15, 2023

Copy rows from a table that are between 2 dates

I have a table that I would like to extract listed tasks in column A and the duration in column B if the start date is between the e12:ab12 dates. I would like to have the tasks ordered chronologically in column A and if there are multiple tasks starting the same date they should be ordered from shortest duration to longest. any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. 




  • Rodrigo_'s avatar
    Steel Contributor

    Hi FrogFace 
    Try this approach using Filter and Sort functions to achieve that.
    Here's the example formula:

    =SORT(FILTER(A2:B100, (C2:C100>=E12)*(C2:C100<=AB12)), 1, 1, 2, 1)

    A2:B100, is the range of tasks and durations
    C2:C100, is the range start dates
    E12 and AB12 are the start and end dates you want to filtered between.
    Filter function filters the tasks based on the start date criteria
    Sort function orders them chronologically and by duration if they have same start date.
    *change/replace the ranges in the formula with your actual data ranges. Let me know if you need further assistance!
