Forum Discussion

Jna3276's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 04, 2024

Conditional format dates


Is it possible to apply a conditional format to a cell.

If column I states Yes then highlight red if the date is 5 workings days old and over

If column I states No the highlight red if the date is 10 working days old and over

If column I states NA or is blank then to not highlight

  • Please explain in detail what you mean by:

    the date (which date?) is 5 or 10 working days old or over - compared to today? or to a date in another column?

    • Jna3276's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      Apologises, the conditional format should be applied to colum J. The dates are entered in this column and I would like it to highlight when the date is either 5 or 10 working in the past

      • Thank you.

        Select the cells in column J that you want to format conditionally.

        The active cell in the selection should be in its top row, i.e. J2.

        On the Home tab of the ribbon, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule...
        Select 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format'.
        Enter the formula

        =AND(J2<>"", OR(AND(I2="yes", NETWORKDAYS(J2, TODAY())>=5), AND(I2="no", NETWORKDAYS(J2, TODAY())>=10)))

        Click Format...
        Activate the Fill tab.
        Select red as fill color.
        Click OK, then click OK again.
