Forum Discussion
Calculating Average and Standard Deviation for a set of angles
I have some files that have > 10000 angles in a column. I need to find the average and standard deviation for these numbers. For these angles, 0 is equivalent to 360 and -180 is the same as 180. Because of this, I can't simply use the average() and stdev.p() commands. For example, if I have the numbers 1 and 359 I get values of 180 and 179 for the average and standard deviation, respectively. I want the average to be 0 and standard deviation to be 1. Is there an easy way of calculating this in a single cell?
I have attached an example spreadsheet with column B being the angle that I want to find the values. Using the default methods I get the average to be 41.5 and standard deviation to be 93. The numbers that I want should be around 11 and 10 for the average and standard deviation, respectively.
Thanks for your help,