Forum Discussion
Bing Maps doen't recognize locations
Daniel, from my point of view that's buggy and ugly add-in. And not supported by Microsoft, at least no updates from mid of 2014.
However, since have it still installed, i tried - and it works. After the error i just pushed Show Locations button.
If don't use 3D maps and Power View, the alternative could be recently introduced Maps Chart, however it's on preview stage and require O365 subscription.
Thanks for answering. Unfortunately, pressing the "Show Locations button" just signals that "Les données sont vides" (meaning : empty data). The two others columns of data are correctly read
Maybe it has something to do with local versions.
- SergeiBaklanFeb 20, 2017MVP
When bit more details how i did that
1) Stay on the cell in the middle of empty sheet and press Insert->Bing Maps
2) Maps appears with suggestion to Insert Sample Data
3) Press on it - the table with sample data is generated starting from the cell on which you stay. Locations are shown on the map
4) Select first three locations in this table, again Insert Bing Map, ignore Insert Sample Data, press Show Locations - it works
5) If you stay on empty cell(s) (i.e. not selected proper locations) and press Show Locations it gives error like you have
- Daniel ColardelleFeb 20, 2017Copper Contributor
Thanks Sergei, but no, the data range is correctedly selected. The columns Revenue ans Expenses are correctly read and are displayed on the chart legend. Moreover, the problem was reported by another user. Told me it still worked last week.
(by the way, I inadvertely mark my previous answer as "best response". Do you know if it's possible to undo it ?)
- SergeiBaklanFeb 20, 2017MVP
Sorry... Nope, i have no idea how to remove. Try to press ones more or ask one of moderators to remove.