Forum Discussion
Aug 13, 2020Copper Contributor
Averaging Distinct Counts in a Pivot Table
OK, I've created a Pivot Table that pulls the distinct count of patient identifiers per date in one column by the date in the rows from a query. I'm trying to get a calculation of the average daily ...
- Aug 15, 2020
You may add measure as
Daily Average of Unique Patients:=AVERAGEX( SUMMARIZE( Range, Range[DATE], "Daily Unique", DISTINCTCOUNT(Range[Patient ID]) ), [Daily Unique])
Result is like
Aug 14, 2020Iron Contributor
can you please upload an example file explaining on the file what you need?
Aug 14, 2020Copper Contributor
Ramiz_AssafWell I thought I responded earlier but it didn't go through. I added an example sheet to the original post. I used a pivot table and the data model to get the distinct count by patient ID, but then I want to get the daily average of distinct patient IDs. I know I can just plug the grand total cells into an average formula but I'd like it to be a little more automated since the data table will just continue to grow.