Forum Discussion

Quinn Peterson's avatar
Quinn Peterson
Copper Contributor
Oct 22, 2018

Autofilling a formula in an excel spreadsheet

Hello All!!


I need some help with a PTO spreadsheet.  I have formula put into cell F42 to get the sum of two cells =SUM(F41,D42)


Can someone please help me with using that blanket formula =SUM(F next number down, D next number down) for the rest of the spreadsheet as I move down rows? So for cell F43 the formula would be =SUM(F42,D43), is there anyway to autofill this formula? 



  • or

    - enter your formula in F42

    - stay on F42, press and hold Shift

    - scroll down till end of the range in column F, left click, release Shift

    (other words select the range down starting from F42)

    - Ctrl+D

  • Daniel Dezi's avatar
    Daniel Dezi
    Copper Contributor
    Hi Melanie,

    Haytham's reply is 100% correct and the simplest way to copy and paste formulas. I am slightly confused to what you are attempting to achieve would you be able to post a sample of your spreadsheet? Thanks
  • Haytham Amairah's avatar
    Haytham Amairah
    Silver Contributor



    You can use the Fill Handle as shown in the below GIF.

    To find the Fill handle, hover the cursor over the lower right corner of the cell until you see the crosshair (Angry Rabbit) sign, then click and drag.




    Hope that helps



