Forum Discussion
Aug 30, 2023Copper Contributor
auto fill in office script api
Hi, I am trying to auto fill a row of data that changes every month. right now the script is as below. I have bolded where I need help. the auto fill range is set to go to d11203 but the script will ...
- Aug 30, 2023
If I understood correctly initially you have some data in column D. You shift it to the right, applied some formulae and formats and autofill D on the size of initial data. If so that could be
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) { const sheet = workbook .getActiveWorksheet(); const dataSize = sheet .getRange("D:D") .getUsedRange() .getRowCount() -1 sheet .getRange("D:D") .insert(ExcelScript.InsertShiftDirection.right) sheet .getRange("D1:D2") .setFormulasLocal([["Duration_Minutes"], ["=(E2/60)"]]) sheet .getRange("D:E") .setNumberFormatLocal("General") sheet .getRange("D2") .setNumberFormatLocal("0.00") sheet .getRange("D2") .autoFill( sheet .getRange("D2") .getResizedRange(dataSize - 1, 0) , ExcelScript.AutoFillType.fillDefault) }
Copper Contributor
SergeiBaklan This is well noted.
Thank you once again, you are a lifesaver.
I sincerely appreciate your effort.
Sep 29, 2024MVP
nsalahdeen , glad it helped