Forum Discussion

NXTwoThou's avatar
Iron Contributor
Apr 25, 2022

Forum broken

 Could we get this forum fixed please?  I got an email notification about a reply to one of my posts.  I'm unable to see that reply nor any others.  The only way I've been able to see any replies is going back to the list of topics and scrolling through pages until I hit mine again and view it that way.  It makes interacting extremely difficult.


Edge 102.0.1236.0

  • Hello - I apologize for the delay, but this is a situation best looked into by our tech lead who is out of office until next week. We'll make sure to follow up at that time. Sorry for the hassle.
  • NXTwoThou's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    I get an email that someone has replied to a topic.  I click "reply", it takes me to a page that shows me my original post(but nothing else) with a link showing "4 replies".  I click said link that just takes me back to the page only showing the original post.  I then click "All discussions" and see the post, and click the "View all 4 replies" and, again, it takes me back to only seeing the original post.  So the notification email is the only way I'm able to see what the reply text was.


    Here's a recording showing these steps with Edge 102.0.1236.0




    • Allen's avatar
      Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager



      Thanks for posting this issue was caused by a setting you had changed in the user settings. You had tried to change discussions to be 'threaded' however we do not support the system the platform uses to create that 'threaded view'. 


      I am not entirely sure how you managed to change it as we have disabled that option in the settings menu, this is something I am looking into, but I changed it back to the default setting and you should be good now.


      The setting can be seen here: My Settings - Microsoft Tech Community under "Format for displaying posts" and should always be set to Linear.


      Apologies for any inconvenience caused.




      • Deleted's avatar


        And now I wanted to edit my post to add a screenshot and it was not possible.

    • EricStarker's avatar
      Former Employee
      Hello! It looks as though you posted about this topic in another message that looks to be almost a duplicate - I'm going to merge the two threads.
    • Deleted's avatar
      How did you do it?
  • NXTwoThou's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Deleted I assume by "I return to the previously saved content (according to the second notification)" the draft message.  Well, here's a recording of no draft message giving the exact same broken behavior of telling me there's a problem but not actually showing me a problem.  Then if I try and post again, of course I'm locked out for potentially spamming.


    I get where you have a more deticated forum for problems with the forum..but..that deticated section is even more broken than this one is.  That's why I'm recording these interactions so hopefully someone that actually can take care of these issues will.  If you can post properly, feel free to copy over to there.  As I've demonstrated, I'm unable to.


    • Deleted's avatar
      Great your post has been moved to the right place
      Thank you
    • Deleted's avatar


      I understand, I will report this post - for the moderator to manually move it to the right place, but it may take 2 days so it's a long time.

      If you manage to start a discussion earlier, do not be afraid to try in this space to which I shared a link 🙂

      • EricStarker's avatar
        Former Employee
        Deleted Typically we try to respond to inquiries within a business day!
  • NXTwoThou's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Deleted would love to properly reply to what you wrote.


  • NXTwoThou's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Deleted and here we are, many minutes later where I changed the text thinking that maybe since it was the same as my original post here that it triggered some protection(even though it was WELL outside the time structure).  I get a "Correct the highlighted error" with zero highlighted error.



  • NXTwoThou's avatar
    Iron Contributor



    Deleted would love to.  Here's what I got when I tried posting over there.  


    Note, I've been a developer since before '93, there was no double clicking a button or any other new user issues.
