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ILT Communications Blog

ATTENTION: Applied Skills Update

Mindy_Rosenthal's avatar
Bronze Contributor
Dec 10, 2024

As part of Microsoft's Secure Future initiative, we are excited to share the upcoming Applied Skills Security focus. We are working to enhance the security, resilience, and flexibility of our labs, while simultaneously integrating new features to enrich your experience.

Our primary objective is to ensure our current portfolio is robust and secure. We are dedicated to maintaining a stabilized credential portfolio and upholding the quality and value our learners expect from us.

We have recently released four Applied Skills courses, which are available for Instructor-Led Training (ILT). These courses include assessments that are integral to the current security sprints. To guarantee the highest quality learning experience and maintain the stability of our current assessment labs, the release of the corresponding Applied Skills assessments will be delayed. Nevertheless, the following courses will continue to be accessible for learner consumption and ILT deliveries.

Impacted ILT Course

Learning Path URL

AZ-2006: Automate Azure Load Testing by using GitHub Actions

AI-3022: Implement AI Skills in Azure AI Search

DP-3021: Configure and migrate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL

PL-7008: Create agents in Microsoft Copilot Studio

In the interim until the assessment releases, please utilize the MCT Competency standard outlined in the Title Plan for delivering courses without associated credentials. “Teaching this type of course is at the discretion of the MCT and/or the Training Services Partner. We strongly suggest that the MCT has relevant expertise in the technical area of the course content.”

The following courses will now be offered and or released as standalone instructor-led training (ILT) 1-day course, with no credential.

            Standalone 1-day ILT offerings

Release Date

MS-4015: Build custom agents for Microsoft Teams

11/18 (Course has released)

AZ-2007: Accelerate app development by using GitHub Copilot


MB-7005: Create and manage journeys with Dynamics 365 Customer Insights


MB-7006: Create and manage segments in Customer Insights – Data


Please note: Going forward, these will be courses without associated credentials. Utilize the MCT Competency standard outlined in the Title Plan for delivering courses without associated credentials.

The remaining new Applied Skills scheduled courses will be released as planned. The associated assessments are available and ready to be utilized by learners.

Applied Skills course

Release Date

AZ-2009: Build distributed apps with .NET Aspire


DP-3020: Develop data-driven applications with Azure SQL Database


SC-5004: Defend against cyberthreats with Microsoft Defender XDR


We sincerely appreciate your patience and partnership as we work diligently to enhance our Microsoft Learn offerings. Our goal is to always provide both learners, trainers and partners with exceptional learning experience. 

We are committed to Applied Skills and look forward to its continued growth and expansion post this phase. 

Continue to stay updated with our ILT Communications Blog for future updates.

Updated Dec 10, 2024
Version 3.0
  • Aaqib_Aftab's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    Hi Mindy_Rosenthal ,

    We did not receive any updates for AZ-2009 during the last community call, and it is not listed in the MOC title plan either. Can you please confirm if is this the correct URL for AZ-2009-

    Additionally, we are awaiting the blog releases for AI-3024 and AI-3025, which were scheduled for this month. Has it been delayed now?

    • Mindy_Rosenthal's avatar
      Bronze Contributor

      Hi Aaqib_Aftab 

      Thank you for asking! 

      Nothing will be delayed. I will release comms today for the courses you mentioned above, plus a few others. The Applied Skills and Azure Pass comms needed to go out first, so apologies on the delay.

      I'm posting as we speak! Thank you for your patience. 🙂