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OneDrive Sharing and Graph "/invite" Endpoint Now Creating Guest Users?
I have an application that integrates with OneDrive via the Graph API, and leverages OneDrive sharing features. Recently I got a new Microsoft E5 dev license, and I've noticed that the sharing workflows and API results are different on this license than on my previous license, and the enterprise licenses of my clients that use the application. All instances are using v1 of the API. On my new license, when I share a OneDrive file/folder using the "/invite" endpoint of the API, it adds the external email I'm sharing with as a Guest on my M365 tenant. It did not do this before. Theinitial result of the API call to the /invite endpoint is the same as it was previously: [{ 'roles': ['read'], 'grantedToIdentities': [{ 'user': { 'email': '<external email>' } }], 'invitation': { 'signInRequired': True }, 'link': { 'type': 'view', 'webUrl': '<link URL>' } }] However, if I share another file/folder with the same external email, the response is different: [{ 'id': '<permission ID>', 'roles': ['read'], 'grantedTo': { 'user': { 'email': '<external email>', 'displayName': '<external email (minus domain)>' } } }] As you can see, the response now contains "grantedTo" instead of "grantedToIdentity". The response also does not contain a link URL, and I need to perform an extra API call on the permissions of the shared item in order to find the link. This response format matches the responses I expect when I share with internal emails on my tenant, and I can see in the admin centre that the external email has been added as a Guest user. With my old license, and my clients' licenses, external recipients were not added as guests on the M365 tenant, and sharing multiple drive items with the same external user always returned the same format of API response (always including the link URL). Shared Item Access Workflow With my new license, when I use the link to access the shared item with my external email, I am now prompted to provide permissions to my account for the OneDrive tenant (email and tenant domain redacted here for privacy): I am also prompted to set up MFA: With the previous workflow, I just had to enter my email address, then verify the email with a code. I was not prompted to grant permissions or set up MFA. This seems needlessly complicated for sharing drive items with external users, particularly those that are not tech-savvy. Why is the sharing workflow so different on my new dev license? Can I adjust the settings on my tenant to prevent this, or is this how sharing will work going forward? If so, when can I expect this to change for my clients' license? I see no mention of this in the Graph API reference for the Invite endpoint, and I can't find any mention of the change online. I've reviewed the sharing settings in the Sharepoint Admin Centre. However, these are identical to the settings on my old license. I've tried messing with the External Collaboration settings in Entra to prevent guest users from being created, but this prevents me from sharing with external users altogether. I can't find any other settings that may control this behaviour. Please help!SolvedfstephaneJan 16, 2025Copper Contributor12Views0likes1CommentAuthentication issue while using Client Credential through Oauth2.0
Hi Community Hope you are doing well. I am unable to authenticate to our registered app in azure. I am looking to test the get/users graph api using insomnia (similar tool as postman). During Token generation we are getting 401 error. we are provide correct Client ID and Secret with right scope url. I created the app, added the necessary permissions and the client credentials. Do I need to add a redirect uri to the app? Does the app need to be registered account types as "accounts in any organization directory"? I am getting a 401 unauthorized error Can you please assist what I'm what is missing here? I will really do appreciate your help. Thanks VatanJainvatJan 13, 2025Copper Contributor13Views0likes0Comments- salam1001Jan 10, 2025Copper Contributor5Views0likes0Comments
MSGraph Subscription notification missing resource id
Hello all, We are making use of MS Graph to create a subscription on a sharepoint site on drive (root) level (also the same tried for list level). This works fine and we receive notifications. According to this page, for basic notifications, the id of the changed resource should come back in resourceData. The resourceData property is in the body of the notification, but we only get the@odata.type property inside and nothing more. Can anyone please explain what is wrong / what we are missing / how it should work? Thanks!jknsmcJan 09, 2025Copper Contributor273Views2likes2CommentsDid /me/drive/special/photos/delta?expand=thumbnails just stop working in Graph?
For 2 years, I have been using the endpoint to sync the latest photos from special OneDrivephotos folder including thumbnails. 3 days ago, suddenly started getting a 400 error on the URL. So if I remove the expander, the endpoint works but now location:{} is empty too. So did I miss a notification that features going away? Or is Graph seeing some issues right now? You can also reproduce in Graph Explorer with personal OneDrive. Any one else seeing this behavior?lee_rogersJan 01, 2025Copper Contributor3Views0likes0Comments"sites?$search=*" only returns 400 sites
Hi All I am trying to get a list of all sites, but , for some reason, "$search=*" only returns 400 items, although we do have almost 2000 sites in our tenant Also, when I am searching sites with "$search=SiteName" - it doesnt always find those sites. Anything I am missing here? ThanksRomanKorchakJan 01, 2025Copper Contributor5Views0likes0CommentsSharepoint Lists: Format for POST Request to create Column as Choice with Multi Select Enabled
I am relatively new in using the Graph API. I am working on a script that creates new columns for an existing List on my company's SharePoint site. I am having trouble in creating a Choice Field Column that hasMultiple Selection Enabled. I followed the documentation to create a Choice Field with the default (single select) as follows: const apiUrl = `${siteId}/lists/${listId}/columns`; const response = await fetch(apiUrl, { method: "POST", headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`, "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: JSON.stringify(columnPayload), }); Where, columnPayload looks like the following: { "name": "Color", "choice": { "choices": ["Red", "Green", "Blue", "Purple"], "displayAs": "dropDownMenu" } } As expected I see the column created properly.... (Split bottom photo for cleaner view) Now, what changes must I make to have the Allow Multiple Selections toggle enabled when creating the column via the POST request. As we can see, by default, it is not enabled. I have looked over the documentation and have yet to come across anything that provides a solution. I assumed there would be additional fields within the "choice" field in the JSON body to specify this, however, I only see the following on the graph api site: I would appreciate any guidance on this.devswithabidDec 26, 2024Copper Contributor11Views0likes0CommentsFacing issue for Outlook calendar Sync with PHP
When using Microsoft Graph Explorer, and making request, it’s returning the events data correctly. But when in code we generate access token, it’s not able to make request and there is some permission issue, So, the access token we are generating through code as per the official Microsoft documentation, isn’t having the required permission, even though we are specifying the required permission array as scope when making request for access token. Below is the code, I am using public function authorize() { $auth_url = $this->Microsoft_calendar_model->createAuthUrl(); redirect($auth_url); } public function createAuthUrl() { $authorize_url = "{$this->auth_base_url}/{$this->tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize"; $queryParams = http_build_query([ 'client_id' => $this->client_id, 'response_type' => 'code', 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri, 'scope' => implode(' ', $this->scopes), 'response_mode' => 'query', 'prompt' => 'consent' ]); return "{$authorize_url}?{$queryParams}"; } // User is getting prompt for permission consent and even though accepting all permissions isn't working public function callback() { $code = $this->input->get('code'); // I am getting the code here. $access_token = $this->microsoft_calendar_model->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code); } Issue occurs in the below function public function fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($code) { $token_url = "{$this->auth_base_url}/{$this->tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token"; $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $response = $client->post($token_url, [ 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'form_params' => [ 'client_id' => $this->client_id, 'client_secret' => $this->client_secret_value, 'redirect_uri' => $this->redirect_uri, 'code' => $code, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'scope' => 'offline_access Calendars.ReadWrite' ] ]); $tokenData = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true); $tokenContext = new AuthorizationCodeContext( $this->tenant_id, $this->client_id, $this->client_secret_value, $tokenData['access_token'], $this->redirect_uri ); $graphClient = new GraphServiceClient($tokenContext, $this->scopes); $events = $graphClient->me()->calendars()->byCalendarId('primary')->events()->get()->wait(); pre($events); } What I'm doing wrong, I can't figure it out anywhere?harshDec 10, 2024Copper Contributor33Views0likes0CommentsDoes MsGraph v5.61.0 and SharePoint have a bug?
Hello. It allows searching for folders in the "root" of a library using "tolower(Name) eq" but it does not allow the same in subfolders. I attach the method where I detected the problem. public async Task<string?> FolderExistsAsync(string listDriveId, string? folderParentDriveId, string subfolderName) { try { if (folderParentDriveId == null) // root { // Ok (best solution, search in server-SharePoint) DriveItemCollectionResponse? folderSearch = await _graphClient.Drives[listDriveId] .Items .GetAsync(q => q.QueryParameters.Filter = $"tolower(Name) eq '{subfolderName.ToLower()}'"); return folderSearch?.Value?[0]?.Id; } else { // Ok (bad solution, search in client) DriveItemCollectionResponse? childrens = await _graphClient.Drives[listDriveId].Items[folderParentDriveId].Children.GetAsync(); DriveItem? subfolder = childrens?.Value? .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name?.Equals(subfolderName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true && item.Folder != null); return subfolder?.Id; //// Err: in Ms Graph v5.61.0?. ////var debugAux = await _graphClient.Drives[listDriveId].Items[folderParentDriveId].Children.GetAsync(); // Ok //DriveItemCollectionResponse? childrens = await _graphClient.Drives[listDriveId].Items[folderParentDriveId].Children // .GetAsync(q => q.QueryParameters.Filter = $"tolower(Name) eq '{subfolderName.ToLower()}'"); // Err: Microsoft.Graph.Models.ODataErrors.ODataError: 'Item not found' //return childrens?.Value?.FirstOrDefault()?.Id; } } catch { } return null; } Thanks.mariscos25Dec 02, 2024Copper Contributor20Views0likes0Comments500 Internal Server Error when trying to access the Microsoft Graph API for Viva Engage
I am experiencing an issue when trying to access the Microsoft Graph API for Viva Engage: Every time I make an API request, I receive a 500 Internal Server Error response. Here are the steps I have taken so far: Created an App Registration in Azure AD. Assigned the Community.ReadWrite.All permission as per the documentation. Ensured that the token we are using includes the correct and valid permissions. Despite completing these steps, the error persists. Below is a screenshot of the error encountered when testing the API using Postman: Are there any steps I might have missed, or is the API currently experiencing issues?freddyheryantoNov 26, 2024Copper Contributor58Views0likes0Comments
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