Creating Microsoft Teams meetings just got easier with this handy Outlook calendaring integration.
We are pleased to announce that we’ve released an add-in for Outlook that allows you to schedule Microsoft Teams meetings from Outlook.
How it works
In your calendar view in Outlook, you will now see a new button called “New Teams Meeting.” Clicking this button opens a new Outlook invite that includes the coordinates for your Microsoft Teams meeting, which you can customize with your meeting details. Once saved, this meeting will show up in both the meeting list within your Microsoft Teams client and in your Outlook calendar. Invited participants will also have this invite on their calendar and will be able to join the meeting from either Teams or the Outlook calendar invite – all they have to do is simply click the link from within the invite or switch to the Teams client and click on the meeting link there.
The add-in will be automatically installed for users who have Microsoft Teams and either Office 2013 or Office 2016 installed on their Windows PC. If you do not want the add-in to appear, you can learn how to manage Outlook add-ins here.
The Teams Outlook Add-in requires users to sign-in to Teams using Modern Authentication. If a user does not use this method to sign-in, they’ll still be able to use the Teams client but will be unable to schedule Teams online meetings using the Outlook add-in. Users can rectify this by doing the following:
- If Modern Authentication is not configured for their organization, they should ask their IT Admin to configure Modern Authentication
- If Modern Authentication is configured, but they cancelled out on the dialog - they should re-sign-in using multi-factor authentication
You can learn more about Modern Authentication in Microsoft Teams here.
Things to keep in mind
We’re still building out new functionality in this experience, so please keep the following in mind:
- Currently, you can only invite people from within your company, as it is not yet possible for external users to join meetings.
- The add-in is for scheduled meetings with specific participants, not for meetings in a channel. Channel meetings must be scheduled from within Teams. As of right now, the Outlook add-in is only available for Windows users, but support for Mac is coming.
- The add-in will not work if an Authentication Proxy is in the network path of user's PC and Teams Services.
You can find more information about meetings in Microsoft Teams here: Meetings and calling
Next Steps:
- Try scheduling a meeting with the new add-in!
- Let your users know about the add-in
- Let us know what you think of the add-in by asking questions or discussing with us in the community
Updated Jan 26, 2021
Version 4.0Nishanth Nadarajah
Joined September 20, 2016
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