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Microsoft Forms Blog

Use Microsoft Forms from your favorite and familiar apps

Zhongzhong_Li's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Jan 22, 2018

Now integrated with the Office family, Microsoft Forms can easily collect information from your favorite and familiar apps.


Forms for Excel

Forms for Excel, powered by Microsoft Forms, has replaced Excel Survey and builds a live data connection between Microsoft Forms and Excel. The responses you collect in your form will show up, real time, in your Excel workbook.


Forms in Microsoft Teams

You can now access Microsoft Forms directly in Microsoft Teams. Set up a Forms tab to create a new form or insert an existing one, create notifications for your form via connector, or conduct a quick poll using Forms Bot.


Forms web part for SharePoint

SharePoint has been widely used to share ideas and collect feedback. You can now use a Microsoft Forms web part on your SharePoint pages to collect responses or show survey results right on your site.


Find your group forms in portal

The forms you have created in Microsoft Teams or SharePoint team sites belongs the O365 group. In Forms portal, there is a new features, "Recent group form", where you could quickly access the group forms you have used recently.


Updated Jan 22, 2018
Version 5.0
  • Roy Walker's avatar
    Roy Walker
    Copper Contributor



    I'm trying to figure out if you can apply a service account or general admin account to forms so that if a staff person quits, we don't lose all of their forms when their account is purged.  The idea is the same as what we are doing with Flows where we add a flow admin account as an owner to each flow so nobody's flows disappear when they leave.  Is there any such mechanism to protect Forms from being lost due to the Form creator's account being deleted?




  • John Fitch's avatar
    John Fitch
    Copper Contributor

    Hi there - great app and we use forms intensively.  However is there an easy way to move the forms results into an Access database or other database structure so the data can be a) retained b) sliced and diced?  Keen to try and avoid the 'save to excel' / overcome institutional objection to Excel macro / load to access once in correct format challenge.  I guess the alternative could be design the form in MS Forms, and export the form somehow to Access and use the Access / MS Outlook link to register answers (Fails however when user is using non-supported email such as Lotus Notes).


    Many thanks for any ideas.

    John F.


  • 善博 河端's avatar
    善博 河端
    Steel Contributor

    Thank you,

    and I work Microsoft Forms with Microsoft Flow, Power BI for do more.

  • Steve Brown's avatar
    Steve Brown
    Copper Contributor

    So - is the Form data always stored in the SPO associated with the tenant? If so, can we then assume this service is compatible (right now) with government tenants like the GCC?

  • Hi Cedric,


    We don't have native integration between Forms and SharePoint list at current stage, but you could try Flow to connect Forms and SharePoint list.




  • Daniel Googe's avatar
    Daniel Googe
    Copper Contributor

    I have tried to create a form from an Excel online document.  It works until I modify the form, then the Excel connection is broken.  Responses register on the responses tab, but the Excel spreadhseet no longer updates.  How is the Excel/Forms link created and how can it be fixed?  

  • Hi Daniel,


    Could you send your form URL with me via a private message?

    I will find engineering team to investigate.




  • Wengman's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    i just purchased microsoft 365 home and my question is can i do excel to forms online ? just like the business package? so you may not need to download the file everytime you check the data on excel.


    Thanks and more power