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New transactable offers from Agolo and Ntegral in Azure Marketplace

YvonneMuench's avatar
Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
Feb 11, 2022

Microsoft partners like Agolo and Ntegral deliver transact-capable offers, which allow you to purchase directly from Azure Marketplace. Learn about these offers below:

Summarization for Healthcare: Agolo's Summarization for Healthcare is an automated platform optimized for the nuance and complexity of the healthcare market. Integrated with Azure Cognitive Services, the AI-driven engine uses natural language processing and machine learning technologies to aggregate and organize content, creating human-quality summaries at scale.

Azure Data Science Hub: Ntegral's Azure Data Science Hub provides an Ubuntu 20.04.2 virtual machine that comes pre-installed with popular packages for data science, including data exploration, analysis, modeling, and development tools. The AI/ML environment includes JupyterHub, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and scikit-learn, with a separate Jupyter environment for individuals or teams.


RavenDB on Oracle 8.4: This VM comes pre-installed with RavenDB, an open-source ACID document-oriented database that stores data as JSON documents and can be deployed in distributed clusters with master-master replication. This VM is based on Oracle 8.4, NginX, and Microsoft .NET 5. Ntegral certifies its images to be always updated, secure, and built to work right out of the box.


Amazon Linux 2 for Azure: If your organizations are currently running Amazon Linux 2 on AWS, now you can rest assured that those workloads will work using the same Linux distro on Azure. Optimized by Ntegral, Amazon Linux 2 is the next generation of Amazon Linux, a server operating system from AWS that provides a secure, stable, and high-performance execution environment to develop and run cloud and enterprise applications.


Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS: This Ubuntu desktop-as-a-service solution from Ntegral provides a fully managed Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS virtual environment to support your development and business application needs. Hosted on Azure, this image enables secure remote work from your computer, notebook, or tablet. The image comes pre-installed with LibreOffice, Visual Studio Code, Firefox, Node.js, and Git.


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5: This Azure-based virtual machine comes pre-configured with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.5, optimized by Ntegral. RHEL has built-in security features such as Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) and mandatory access controls (MAC) to help you combat intrusions and meet regulatory compliance. With Red Hat, you get open-source technology for the enterprise, delivered with enterprise-level support.

Updated Feb 11, 2022
Version 2.0
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