system center configuration manager
53 TopicsWindows 10 Subscription Activation via Powershell
We recently purchased E3 Subscription licenses for Windows 10. Microsoft's documentation states for exisiting enterprise deployments, the following script should be ran via a command line: @echo off FOR /F "skip=1" %%A IN ('wmic path SoftwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey') DO ( SET "ProductKey=%%A" goto InstallKey ) :InstallKey IF [%ProductKey%]==[] ( echo No key present ) ELSE ( echo Installing %ProductKey% changepk.exe /ProductKey %ProductKey% ) I'm attempting to re-write this in powershell so we can use it as a remediation step in a configuration baseline in SCCM. Below is the powershell script I wrote: $ProductKey = (Get-CimInstance -ClassName SoftwareLicensingService).OA3xOriginalProductKey if ($ProductKey){ start-process c:\Windows\System32\changePK.exe -ArgumentList "/ProductKey $ProductKey" } The script runs without error, but it's not actually completing the intended task (activating the embedded windows 10 pro key). I'm not sure where I'm going wrong. I'm pretty new to powershell so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.42KViews1like8CommentsNow Available: Update 1710 for System Center Configuration Manager
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Nov 20, 2017 Happy Monday! We are delighted to announce that we have released version 1710 for the Current Branch (CB) of System Center Configuration Manager that includes new features and product enhancements!One of the key features in the 1710 release is co-management which enables a new and more practical path to transition the management of Windows 10 devices to a modern management approach.37KViews0likes0CommentsNow Available: Update 1706 for System Center Configuration Manager
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Jul 28, 2017 Happy Friday! We are delighted to announce that we have released version 1706 for the Current Branch (CB) of System Center Configuration Manager that includes new features and product enhancements!Many of these enhancements are designed for organizations that are going through the digital transformation and want to modernize their IT infrastructure, policies, and processes.31KViews0likes0CommentsNow Available: Update 1802 for System Center Configuration Manager
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Mar 22, 2018 We are delighted to announce that we have released version 1802 for the Current Branch (CB) of System Center Configuration Manager that includes new features and product enhancements!In this release we continue to build on the co-management capabilities we introduced in 1710.30KViews0likes0CommentsUpdate 1806 for Configuration Manager current branch is now available
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Jul 31, 2018 With the 1806 update for Configuration Manager current branch, we continue to invest in providing cloud powered value to your existing Configuration Manager implementation with additional co-management workloads and simplified cloud services.27KViews0likes0CommentsConfiguration Manager and the Windows ADK for Windows 10, version 1607
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Sep 09, 2016 Author: Aaron Czechowski, Senior Program Manager, Enterprise Client and MobilityFirst, if you are using Configuration Manager and interested in deploying Windows 10, version 1607, you should first read the recent FAQ post, especially the topic: “Will previous update versions support newer builds of Windows 10” under the “Application Compatibility (AppCompat)” section.24KViews0likes0CommentsNow Available: Update 1610 for System Center Configuration Manager
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Nov 18, 2016 Happy Friday! We are delighted to announce that we have released version 1610 for the Current Branch (CB) of System Center Configuration Manager that includes some great new features and product enhancements.22KViews0likes0CommentsUpdate 1711 for Configuration Manager Technical Preview Branch – Available Now!
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Nov 17, 2017 Hello everyone! We are happy to let you know that update 1711 for the Technical Preview Branch of System Center Configuration Manager has been released.21KViews0likes0CommentsUpdate 1712 for Configuration Manager Technical Preview Branch – Available Now!
First published on CLOUDBLOGS on Dec 16, 2017 Hello everyone! We are happy to let you know that update 1712 for the Technical Preview Branch of System Center Configuration Manager has been released.20KViews0likes0Comments