11 TopicsOnly owner of the Team to start the meeting call
Hi all, Because of the Covid break-out I can no longer teach my students face to face. The schools here are closed and we have to teach using computers and the internet. I noticed that Microsoft teams worked very well for this, and thus I started to make classrooms in teams. There is one thing that I do not understand, so I hope someone can help me with this. The people in the Teams Classroom can all start a conversation with the rest of the classroom. This is unhandy because I can not guarrantee the safety and wellbeing of my students when I am not in the call aswell. Is there a setting that prohibits the students to call for a meeting, and only allow the owner of the Team to make said call? I would like to thank you in advance. Kind regards, Sven64KViews1like32CommentsSS46: Hey Edge - voice control
Suggestion (SS): 46 Classification: VOICE CONTROL PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 2-3 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Bing already has some integration of voice control, Firefox too. Now i think it's time for Hey Edge function. Examples of tasks Hey Edge should be able to do: -Hey Edge, move tabs to the right to another window, hide it in macos, save PDF and add all links to bookmark folder IMPORT for all tabs in this new window; once done close the window. - Hey Edge, reload all - Hey Edge, change to Bing as default - Hey Edge, mute all - Hey Edge, volume 50% - Hey Edge, go to minute 3.45 - Hey Edge, loop mode - Hey Edge, loop from x to y - Hey Edge, set download path to configuration 1 - Hey Edge, search this with %s1 %s2 ... at the same time - Hey Edge, open %s settings - Hey Edge, add this search to %s and use abbreviation <ed - Hey Edge, duplicate 5 tabs from this - Hey Edge, change my profile image now - Hey Edge, launch xxx (an extension) - Hey Edge, quit Edge in 10 minutes - Hey Edge, open random website from folder XXX - Hey Edge, disable all extensions for 5 seconds. - Hey Edge, random open my most visited youtube links - Hey Edge, write new instagram post (by opening a 3. app for posting) - Hey Edge, activate all disabled extensions. - Hey Edge, reopen last closed session - Hey Edge, reopen last 7 tabs - Hey Edge, move tab to first - Hey Edge, color tab to red - Hey Edge, go back to the source (example when you open webpage a then b ... to z, go back to a) - Hey Edge, pipmode - Hey Edge, go to next video - Hey Edge, save to collections (last used) - Hey Edge, close tabs to left - Hey Edge, merge windows - Hey Edge, quit - Hey Edge, open flags - Hey Edge, activate flag xx - Hey Edge, restart - Hey Edge, share this page to xxx - Hey Edge, new mail to xxx - Hey Edge, install xxx - Hey Edge, create new profile for account - Hey Edge, delete this profile - Hey Edge, activate vpn now (once integrated) - Hey Edge, change background new tab pictures from onedrive folder AA to BB - Hey Edge, open all links inside folder XXX - Hey Edge, download all images that i click in the future, stop it once i say stop - Hey Edge, launch beta profile xxx - Hey Edge, show me when i visited this page in the past - Hey Edge, add this page to bookmarks (using recent folder) as shortcut <emis - Hey Edge open 6x incognito pages with url www.... - Hey Edge, ban all selected email from outlook - Hey Edge, start new chat support session - Hey Edge, new feedback - Hey Edge, share this file (in onedrive = this mean you copy directly the url) - Hey Edge, save all picture to onedrive - Hey Edge, open word - Hey Edge, find similar websites - Hey Edge, show me my IP - Hey Edge, export this image as png - Hey Edge, save this files to xxx and rename it as yyy - Hey Edge, open Missy Edge profile - Hey Edge, run workspace 4 now - Hey Edge, run highlight mode now (once integrated) - Hey Edge, save next selected texts to collections - Hey Edge, search hello in youtube as playlist - Hey Edge, disable notifications from all future visited pages - Hey Edge, activate flash always - Hey Edge, open all selected urls in edge dev profile 3 (if we use canary for example) - Hey Edge, copy all urls from tabs - Hey Edge, add selected tabs to my vertical favorite tabs (once integrated) - Hey Edge, open with profile 2 .... (once container is integrated) - Hey Edge, download all images from tabs - Hey Edge, create merge all tab groups and move to new window by hiding it in macos - Hey Edge, download all files in this website with torrent (once integrated) - Hey Edge, open in tabs selected links - Hey Edge, export bookmarks every 5 minutes to my mac - Hey Edge, reverse search this image - Hey Edge, show me social accounts of this person (from a video/photo) - Hey Edge, create new outlook alias b@.... - Hey Edge, change outlook recovery email to .... - Hey Edge, ban all social accounts for 4 hours - Hey Edge, add label xxx to this page (for history panel, once integrated) - Hey Edge export last 7 days of history to my desktop folder xxx - Hey Edge, activate kids mode - Hey Edge, create new rule for this email and use setting 1 (example forward to 3 emails ...) - etc. If we can run such multiple rules without Hey Edge would be cool too, so something in keyboard maestro style. Obviously first we need to support a better way to run such actions and similar actions without Hey Edge, but once this is done, different action can be implemented in Hey Edge too. Then it depends, sometimes is much faster to do manually instead of saying Hey Edge... (and maybe Hey Edge doesn't understand what we say too...., like Bing does) To be more faster instead of saying "Hey Edge, save pdf for all tabs to the right" or similar, we just say "Hey Edge, pdf right". The same for all other examples You can even integrate a smart Hey Edge, where i can combine my manual and Hey Edge actions. Example: i'm reading a pdf. at the same time i say "Hey Edge, pdf right once i say NOW". then i read pdf on tab 2, 3, 4, 5. Once done i say "NOW" and you export all pdf to the right (based on the tabs where i requested this rule). This means in the same time i can close and open new tabs, you do the action only once i say "NOW". Such "NOW" actions can be implemented in so many workflows and would be a great productivity boost.2.8KViews0likes4CommentsSS28: selection to bookmarks + vivaldi example of what i reported you previously
Suggestion (SS): 28 Classification: Bookmarks PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 4 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Here my idea i got after visiting a suggestion in vivaldi about add current tab to a folder (which is available for vivaldi and edge). I tested it out and in edge is available, but creates problem, like where you continuosly add it under ddd instead inside ddd. only 1 time you added it in ddd. PS: is not the first time i see problems with other bookmarks, you should check if all functions really work correctly with other bookmarks. Same if i do that you should avoid to show me that for the creation of folders. <<<<<<< second: i tried to select 3 tabs, and then do the same. is not possible. <<<<<<< third: i still think vivaldi add to bookmark option without right click is much better. please consider to implement it to edge too. <<<< because we are talking about vivaldi, here other points i like reload miniature (i suggested this to you only for bookmarks bar) like i suggested you with shortcut for bookmarks and other things (i noticed only after sending you the suggestions, that vivaldi has already such option, but still limited compared to what i told you, which is much more complex) this is similar to what i told you too, but vivaldi show us directly the webpage, is not a second bookmarks bar ability to change default bookmarks bar. (NEW SUGGESTION, but less important, since i use different profile. it still remains cool) same like i wrote you yesterday to remove things from the bar position of new tab, like i suggested you keep last tab open, like i suggested you a lot of option like i suggested you (or better some things are not available in vivaldi too) show me only icons inside bookmarks bar, full name in other bookmarks or when you hide url from bookmarks bar (like suggested). i still think a way to add personal customized folder color to bookmarks is usefull too even if i don't really like to use shortcuts (via keyboard with crtl alt etc., not things like <ddd $dd) ... but i like how they do. trackpad gesture, like suggested is much more clean search always in new tab (NEW SUGGESTION) .... PS: until now i don't use vivaldi, because they create library folders problems. so i just use it as a normal second browser for quick searches. this is why maybe the list of good features is not complete. once devs fix such problem, i can send more vivaldi based suggestion too. i still think main points are now available in this post, a lot is already included in previous submitted suggestions. Here even what i don't like previews different colours for each tab ... other ... (yes, you can disable such things). about the download suggestion, something like where i can set "save to /user/ccc/applications" and then "save this website always in this folder" or "if /externaldrive/... is not available, use /user/ccc/applications instead".1.3KViews0likes0CommentsSS27: smart switch setting and smart + button (for open new tab)
Suggestion (SS): 27 Classification: TAB - SETTING PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 7 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) First add a quick way to switch between download / extension / bookmarks / history in the style of brave but maybe more compact Maybe add custom option too, so that i can add edge://settings/searchEngines?search=google to this list too, or edge://settings/downloads or ... or easy access to flags <<<<<<<<<<<< Second you should improve this mean if i click cmd, alt or ctrl you do specific things: example: open in incognito with ctrl and + open home page with alt show a list of top pages if i click cmd + (example pubmed, google images and then i can choose which of these three. this is like having 4 different home webpages. or you can even add the way "if i click alt you open a new tab with the edge profile xxx" (even if i'm using yyy now). Or the same, but you show us the list of accounts (like i wrote in 3), so we can choose and we don't configure "open new tab in edge account xx with alt and +" here an example of what i mean, from czech devs. now i haven't checked all other browser. i just tried some random browser on my mac to see if someone integrate it, and the first random browser that i launched has this feature available (just a bit limited) <<<<< another option is to open a tab to the left if we click shift and + other example for smart +: open in new group open next to the current tab (but is better to integrate a whole option for this) open in new window duplicate all tabs from the current group you use to another group open a group of tabs at the same time (same like 3. but by using specific groups that we can configure). maybe without need to add a specific setting where we define the links, but just an option in bookmarks. so an option "add this folder in new tab smart group". then we can add 5-10 folders. reopen last closed tab <<<<< just another thing i noticed now seznam home button is cool, is not the classical home button like all other browser have.... PS: not important for me (at the end there is no improvement in my workflow), but maybe for someone else such smart features with cmd etc. can be applied to too, where you show us different websites (like i wrote in 3. ) <<<<<< NEW SUGGESTION: you can even add this smart button to so with ctrl (or other keys) and < we go back to the first page we opened (not only the previous). or you can use cmd < to go to the tab to the left and cmd > to go to the tab to the right.2.2KViews0likes6CommentsSS26: remove options from search bar directly - translation - read mode
Suggestion (SS): 26 Classification: SEARCH BAR PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 3-5 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) This means or other things you show me. Just add right click "remove it at all", without need to open settings. PS: the same for icon button outside the search bar. in some button you added it, for other there is no option at all (except via setting)2KViews0likes3CommentsSS18: better site specific settings - password, suggestions
Suggestion (SS): 18 Classification: SITE SPECIFIC SETTING PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 7-9 on a scale from 1 (low) to 10 (high) Problem Even if we click mai (never) you continue to show this again and again and again Solution If i click mai, you should "ban" such website. if i want to save things again, i need to unban it in the setting. Same for suggestion of previous password, suggestion of email, address, name, location, etc. I should be able to ban such features inside a specific website. Another point: please never implement the password suggestions when we create new accounts (like safari 12), which slow down workflow at all if we need to batch create a lot of accounts every day. Same for "do you want to save the mastercard (mc)?". i never bought with mc on edge, but if you ask such message again and again like safari, add an option to disable save mastercard. Such things, and bank/money related website, should never save any type of infos. About PayPal, i don't know if Edge can help with that, but i noticed that they still activate OneTouch login or keep the login active after a purchase. Please add a way to logout automatically from paypal once purchase is done. I hate that paypal keeps my login active. i already reported such problem to paypal, and they didn't fix it at all. About the topic addresses, remember this, so just add 1 address and remove all other auto generated, and avoid to add auto generated.1.3KViews0likes1CommentSS8: better setting - faster add url / batch url / add via bookmarks
Suggestion (SS): 8 Classification: SETTING PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 8-10 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) problem it takes hours to add such setting and you add it wrongly too. so 1 by 1. solution 1) add a batch url way 2) if i visit bookmark folder "allow setting" i could simply right click the folder and tell edge add such setting to allow flash... same if i select multiple url inside bookmarks or history. PS: this should work with multiple setting, not only flash... 3) import export, for faster add to other user. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.1.6KViews0likes5CommentsSS12: no reset of setting
Suggestion (SS): 12 Classification: SETTING PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 6 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) sometimes you show me keep setting or reset it (now i don't have any image of this), probably related to sync issues etc. please add an option to keep always setting, no matter what happen. so avoid to show me such message again if another problem happen. you never need to reset setting. if i need to reset it, i will do manually. otherwise there is the risk we choose the wrong option, especially if we are frustated, stressed, mac frozen, or other. add an option to revert action back too, in case we do the wrong choice. this is one example related to extension, but there are other similar messages related to edge. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.826Views0likes0CommentsSS4: right menu management - remove items manager
Suggestion (SS): 4 Classification: RIGHT MENU PRIORITY IN MY OPINION: 8 in a scala 1 (low) - 10 (high) in other post i suggested you to manage right menu related to extension. per default extension add items to this. more extension you install, more longer will be the right menu = it takes hours to find the right option and you need to scroll 100km too. i suggested you to add a manager for this, so i can disable specific extension. (yes i know, some extension allow that in the setting, but i still a pain to open 100 setting to check that, and maybe is still not available at all). without considering that i need to do that for each edge profile. now there is another problem. edge (like other browser too) show me a lot of things that i don't want to see in right menu (maybe i want to see it only on my menu bar or other). so please include in this right menu manager even an option to remove edge default commands! in this case you could delete translate, leggi alta voce, trasmetti, stampa, salva, aggiorna, indietro, inoltra ---> or better you simply keep add to collections.... i know the right menu is not always the same, so we need to configure such option different time. but this doesn't matter, because what i told you to skip before, you should skip from all my right menus. once i configure right menu for photos, then i will just remove other items that i don't need. You can find this suggestion on Chromium too: CHECKLATER* --------------- All my other suggestions are here: Suggestions I liked from other user here: Chromium suggestions list 1: and 2: From end 2020-10 all suggestions are written on both Edge and Chrome at the same time, suggestions before 2020-10 are available only on Chrome. *to avoid a ban from Google, I submit only limited post pro week.990Views0likes0Commentsyou should change position of edge://settings/search
in my opinion is difficult to find it. i always thought there is no option at all (so i used an extension convert bing to google). i just found it, because i searched "google". this option inside the setting panel should be repositioned. change such setting should happen faster, without need to search a lot. Plus would be cool if we can set for all profiles "search with google", instead of repeat same things again and again (or installing the extension). PS: nothing agains bing, but google search in my opinion is just better. bing image search is cool.1.1KViews0likes0Comments