11 TopicsError message - can't send message before X approves conversation
Hello, I'm using Teams with two accounts on my professional laptop (one with my, one with my gmail account which I use to speak to people outside the organization as IT limited communication with external users). I added several people from a prior organization on my gmail Teams account and I encountered an error several times (4 times out of 8 people added). First, I started a conversation with individual users and after a while, I am no longer able to send them any messages (but I continue to receive theirs). I get an error that says : "X doit accepter votre demande de conversation avant que vous puissiez lui envoyer votre prochain message" (FR) "X must approve your conversation request before you are able to send anymore messages" (I'm using the French version of Teams so I'm translating the error message) I managed to circumvent the issue by creating a group chat with the person I was speaking to and another user (either my professional account or another external user), and I have not encountered this error again (so far). Does anyone know what may have caused this ? Any idea on how to fix this ? Thanks,5.5KViews1like10CommentsListen to all conversations in Microsoft Teams
I was planning to integrate messages of Teams with an external system. I found Mio could sync the message between Teams and Slack. How does technology works in the backend? For this, I want to create a service that can listen to all the conversations in Teams. Is there any way to achieve as like Mio does?3.4KViews0likes1CommentNew Conversation View in Teams 2.0?
When I search for a thread in Teams 2.0, and then click on the thread, I get taken to a conversation view that I really like because it allows me to just focus on this thread and not see any other threads in the channel. However, is there a way to activate this new conversation view from the channels page, and not from search? I wouldn't mind clicking into this new channel view on select threads as I page through the channel. Thanks!Why someone cannot see/chat after leaving the meeting?
Hi folks, My company has some vendors. I setup the Teams meetings with all of them. They all called in using their company domain emails. After the call ends, one of the vendor always got kicked out and it displays the message saying [Name]no longer has access to the chat. However, other users from other vendors still remain in the chat and can communicate. The settings from that vendor company is as attachment. And I confirmed they use their company email, not a personal email or join as Guest. Does anyone know what the issue is?Solved125KViews5likes32CommentsList Item Conversation Doesn't Display with Custom Form
I really love the Lists functionality in Teams. The Conversation feature is very helpful for collaboration. However, I'd like to be able to use that with a custom Power Apps form. When I activate that form, it opens in a side panel and doesn't give the option to display the item conversation. This may be just a matter of my ignorance, but is there a way to use both a custom PowerApps form and the Teams Conversation functionality? View without custom form (Conversation available) View with custom form (Conversation not available)Solved2.2KViews3likes2CommentsModération des conversations Teams scolaire
Bonjour, Dans le cadre de mon travail je dois répondre aux appels du personnel scolaire, les élèves et les parents. Nous rencontrons des problèmes avec les comptes des élèves dans les conversations Teams/Clavardage. Nous désirons garder les conversations actives afin de pouvoir communiquer entre tous et éviter d'avoir à créer des canaux privés pour les conversations qui ne concernent pas l'entièreté d'une équipe. Le problème rencontré est au niveau de la modération desdites conversations. Nous ne pouvons supprimer les fichiers vidéos et autres que via Sharepoint à même le compte de la personne qui a partagé le tout. Pour les photos par contre, elles font parties du corps du message et ne se trouvent guère dans sharepoint. Donc aucune possibilité de modération. Dans un cadre scolaire, nous désirons faire attention à ce qui ce dit et ce partage entre les élèves et aussi le personnel. Pour une équipe TICS il serait donc idéale d'avoir des outils de modérations adaptés qui permettent de vérifier les activités des conversations et des équipes lorsqu'on nous rapporte du contenu contrevenant au cadre professionnel et scolaire sans avoir à contacter les administrateurs. Sharepoint n'étant limité qu'aux individus responsables des équipes ou de leurs fichiers partagés ailleurs dans Teams. Un outil de modération serait donc grandement apprécié pour une organisation de plus de 30000 individus. Merci de bien prendre en considération cette suggestion!1.1KViews0likes1CommentAssignment chat function
We've adopted to doing practice courses on my university, and one course decided to have a lot of assignments handed out. Once I, as a student, handed it in, and the teacher graded it and assigned a comment, I had no way of replying there, only in Chat. So if a teacher comments there to ask something that helps him to grade the assignment, I have no way to answer there, and it can lead to confusion, if you have to refer to chat.1.3KViews0likes1CommentIntermittent Channel Posts Failing (GCC Tenant)
For the last ~30 minutes I have had users reporting that they are unable to start or reply to conversations in their Team Channels. Having tried multiple users in both the client and browser it seems to be common but not impacting everyone 100% of the time. I have reported an issue in the O365 Admin portal, but wanted to see if others are encountering the issue.1.7KViews0likes1CommentWhere to save files in conversations (in Microsoft Teams)
Hi. When I post a conversation in Microsoft Teams and attach files to the conversation, the files are saved in "Files". But can I decide to save the files in a specific folder (of course in the same Team)? Thanks in advance! /NinaSolved6.4KViews0likes2Comments