Power Shell
4 TopicsPowershell script to find out Teams policies by users
Hey everyone, do you know if there is a way to run a script to find what Teams policies are assigned to what user? We have a private channel policy in place- I would like to find out a list of users that policy is assigned to. Also, if you delete a user from a custom policy does that user get the default policy? Thanks!107KViews2likes16CommentsGet-CSOnlineUser command incorrect output
Hi, We are working in a migration from Skype onprem to Teams. We check an user with the command "Get-CSOnlineUser", in Teams the user seems to be correctly provisioned, but the output of the command is not correct. Which is the problem? I send attached the output command. Thank you!! David LozanoSolved1.7KViews0likes3CommentsError disabling welcome messages
I have a Team with 10 channels and I need to disable sending emails in all case: when a new user is added... I'm following this steps to disable the initial emails and when I finish the step 6 I'm obtaining a message with somethig like this:"WARNING: The command completed successfully, but no configuration value has been changed from "mygroup_objectid"". $groupName ="<Replace Group Name>" Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned $UserCredential = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session -DisableNameChecking Set-UnifiedGroup $groupName -UnifiedGroupWelcomeMessageEnabled:$false How can I solve this? Regards1KViews0likes0CommentsTeams PowerShell questions regarding policies
Hey everyone! Me again with some crazy questions- thank you for taking the time to help! Ok, so for Teams commands that are in the Skype module such asGrant-CsTeamsChannelsPolicy does the user need to have a Skype for Business Online account? We have some Teams only users that are only online. Also, is there a way in Powershell to delete a policy without reassigning users out of it first? For instance, if I have a custom policy can I delete the policy and will users default to the Global (default) policy? I know if you do it from the admin center it throws an error that you must reassign the users first- we have a ton of users and policies and want the least admin burden to move them all back over to the Global policy. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you!957Views0likes0Comments