48 TopicsLesson Learned #514: Optimizing Bulk Insert Performance in Parallel Data Ingestion - Part1
While working on a support case, we encountered an issue where bulk inserts were taking longer than our customer’s SLA allowed. Working on the troubleshooting scenario, we identified three main factors affecting performance: High Transaction Log (TLOG) Threshold: The transaction log was under significant pressure, impacting bulk insert speeds. Excessive Indexes: The table had multiple indexes, adding overhead during each insert. High Index Fragmentation: Index fragmentation was high, further slowing down data ingestion. We found that the customer was using partitioning within a single table, and we began considering a restructuring approach that would partition data across multiple databases rather than within a single table. This approach provided several advantages: Set individual Transaction LOG thresholds for each partition, reducing the log pressure. Disable indexes before each insert and rebuild them afterward. In a single table with partitioning, it is currently not possible to disable indexes per partition individually. Select specific Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for each database, optimizing resource allocation based on volume and SLA requirements. Indexed Views for Real-Time Data Retrieval: Partitioned databases allowed us to create indexed views that updated simultaneously with data inserts more faster because the volumen is less, enhancing read performance and consistency. Reduced Fragmentation and Improved Query Performance: By rebuilding indexes after each bulk insert, we maintained optimal index structure across all partitions, significantly improving read speeds and taking less time. By implementing these changes, we were able to achieve a significant reduction in bulk insert times, helping our customer meet SLA targets. Following, I would like to share the following code: This code reads CSV files from a specified folder and performs a parallel bulk inserts per each file.Each CSV file has a header, and the data is separated by the | character. During the reading process, the code identifies the value in column 20, which is a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. This date value is converted to the YYYY-MM format, which is used to determine the target database where the data should be inserted.For example, if the value in column20 is 2023-08-15, it extracts 2023-08 and directs the record to the corresponding database for that period, for example, db202308. Once the batchsize is reached per partition (rows per YYYY-MM read in the CSV file), the application executes in parallel the SQLBulkCopy. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient; namespace BulkInsert { class Program { static string sqlConnectionStringTemplate = ";Database={0};Authentication=Active Directory Managed Identity;User Id=xxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Pooling=true;Max Pool size=300;Min Pool Size=100;ConnectRetryCount=3;ConnectRetryInterval=10;Connection Lifetime=0;Application Name=ConnTest Check Jump;Packet Size=32767"; static string localDirectory = @"C:\CsvFiles"; static int batchSize = 1248000; static SemaphoreSlim semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(10); static async Task Main(string[] args) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(localDirectory, "*.csv"); Stopwatch totalStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); foreach (var filePath in files) { Console.WriteLine($"Processing file: {filePath}"); await LoadDataFromCsv(filePath); } totalStopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Total processing finished in {totalStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds."); } static async Task LoadDataFromCsv(string filePath) { Stopwatch fileReadStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var dataTables = new Dictionary<string, DataTable>(); var bulkCopyTasks = new List<Task>(); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(filePath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, true, 819200)) { string line; string key; long lineCount = 0; long lShow = batchSize / 2; reader.ReadLine(); fileReadStopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"File read initialization took {fileReadStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds."); Stopwatch processStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); string[] values = new string[31]; while (!reader.EndOfStream) { line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); lineCount++; if(lineCount % lShow == 0 ) { Console.WriteLine($"Read {lineCount}"); } values = line.Split('|'); key = DateTime.Parse(values[19]).ToString("yyyyMM"); if (!dataTables.ContainsKey(key)) { dataTables[key] = CreateTableSchema(); } var batchTable = dataTables[key]; DataRow row = batchTable.NewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { row[i] = ParseValue(values[i], batchTable.Columns[i].DataType,i); } batchTable.Rows.Add(row); if (batchTable.Rows.Count >= batchSize) { Console.WriteLine($"BatchSize processing {key} - {batchTable.Rows.Count}."); Stopwatch insertStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); bulkCopyTasks.Add(ProcessBatchAsync(dataTables[key], key, insertStopwatch)); dataTables[key] = CreateTableSchema(); } } processStopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"File read and processing of {lineCount} lines completed in {processStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds."); } foreach (var key in dataTables.Keys) { if (dataTables[key].Rows.Count > 0) { Stopwatch insertStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); bulkCopyTasks.Add(ProcessBatchAsync(dataTables[key], key, insertStopwatch)); } } await Task.WhenAll(bulkCopyTasks); } static async Task ProcessBatchAsync(DataTable batchTable, string yearMonth, Stopwatch insertStopwatch) { await semaphore.WaitAsync(); try { using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(string.Format(sqlConnectionStringTemplate, $"db{yearMonth}"))) { await conn.OpenAsync(); using (SqlTransaction transaction = conn.BeginTransaction()) using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(conn, SqlBulkCopyOptions.Default, transaction) { DestinationTableName = "dbo.dummyTable", BulkCopyTimeout = 40000, BatchSize = batchSize, EnableStreaming = true }) { await bulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(batchTable); transaction.Commit(); } } insertStopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($"Inserted batch of {batchTable.Rows.Count} rows to db{yearMonth} in {insertStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds."); } finally { semaphore.Release(); } } static DataTable CreateTableSchema() { DataTable dataTable = new DataTable(); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column1", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column2", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column3", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column4", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column5", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column6", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column7", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column8", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column9", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column10", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column11", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column12", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column13", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column14", typeof(DateTime)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column15", typeof(double)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column16", typeof(double)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column17", typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column18", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column19", typeof(DateTime)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column20", typeof(DateTime)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column21", typeof(DateTime)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column22", typeof(string)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column23", typeof(long)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column24", typeof(double)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column25", typeof(short)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column26", typeof(short)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column27", typeof(short)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column28", typeof(short)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column29", typeof(short)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column30", typeof(short)); dataTable.Columns.Add("Column31", typeof(short)); dataTable.BeginLoadData(); dataTable.MinimumCapacity = batchSize; return dataTable; } static object ParseValue(string value, Type targetType, int i) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) return DBNull.Value; if (long.TryParse(value, out long longVal)) return longVal; if (double.TryParse(value, out double doubleVal)) return doubleVal; if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out DateTime dateVal)) return dateVal; return value; } } }Lesson Learned #510: Using CProfiler to Analyze Python Call Performance in Support Scenarios
Last week, while working on a support case, our customer was facing performance issues in their Python application. After some investigation, I decided to suggestCProfiler to identify which function call was taking the most time and use that as a starting point for troubleshooting. So profiling the Python code became essential to pinpoint the bottleneck.I suggested using CProfiler, a built-in Python module, which helps you profile your code and identify performance issues in real time.567Views0likes0CommentsLesson Learned #498:Understanding the Role of STATMAN in SQL Server and Its Resource Consumption
Today, I worked on a service request that our customer reported a performance issue and they reported that this query:SELECT StatMan([SC0], [LC0], [SB0000]) FROM (SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT [SC0], [LC0], step_direction([SC0]) over (order by NULL) AS [SB0000] FROM ..] TABLESAMPLE SYSTEM (@samplePercent PERCENT) WITH (READUNCOMMITTED) ) AS _MS_UPDSTATS_TBL_HELPER ORDER BY [SC0], [SB0000] ) AS _MS_UPDSTATS_TBL OPTION (MAXDOP 16, RECOMPILE). I would like to share my lessons learned here.2.2KViews1like0CommentsLesson Learned #494: High number of Executions Plans for a Single Query
Today, I worked on a service request where our customer detected a high number of execution plans consuming resources in the plan cache for a single query. I would like to share my lessons learned and experience to prevent this type of issue.1.6KViews1like0CommentsLesson Learned #493: Monitoring Application Performance with Server Performance Counters
Today, I worked on a service request where our customer reported several performance issues in their application connecting to Azure SQL Database. After an in-depth analysis, we found that the issue could be related to the server running the application, including resources assigned, network issues, etc.. Aside from other tools offered by Azure, following, I would like to share the lessons learned using logman that is part of performance monitor tool (perfmon).1.5KViews0likes0CommentsLesson Learned #492: Improving Extended Events in Azure SQL
In the last months, our Product Team has been working toenhance Extended Events for Azure SQL as you could see in their blog: Improving Extended Events in Azure SQL - Microsoft Community Hub. These updates simplify monitoring and troubleshooting Azure SQL databases, offering a more SQL Server-like experience and enabling more granular control over events and sessions.1.5KViews2likes0CommentsLesson Learned #491: Monitoring Blocking Issues in Azure SQL Database
Time ago, we wrote an articleLesson Learned #22: How to identify blocking issues?today, I would like to enhance this topic by introducing a monitoring system that expands on that guide. This PowerShell script not only identifies blocking issues but also calculates the total, maximum, average, and minimum blocking times.1.8KViews0likes0CommentsLesson Learned #487: Identifying Parallel and High-Volume Queries in Azure SQL Database
Today, I worked on a service request that our customer needsto monitor and optimize queries that can significantly impact performance. This includes both queries running in parallel and those that, although executed with a single thread (MAXDOP 1), have a high volume of executions. In this article, we will explain a query that helps us identify these two types of queries in an Azure SQL Database.2.2KViews0likes1CommentLesson Learned #489:Investigating CPU Spikes with Query Store Overall Resource Consumption Report
Yesterday, I worked on a customer who experienced a CPU spike that went 90% during the timeframe of 19:00 to 21:00. I would like to share how we identified the queries that potentially caused this CPU spike using the Query Store's Overall Resource Consumption report.1.9KViews0likes0CommentsLesson Learned #484: Database Performance Monitoring with PowerShell and ReadScale-Out Environments
Today, I handled a service request from our customer seeking additional information on performance monitoring for ReadScale-Out in Azure SQL Database. They needed details on how to find missing indexes, query statistics, and more. I created this PowerShell script that works for both Elastic Database Pools and standalone databases, executing multiple queries for monitorin1.7KViews0likes0Comments