Why cannot remove one of the page in Ms Word File

Copper Contributor


Dear all expert,


I tried to remove the 3rd page in the word book but failed. I have googled the problem but none has solved the issue. Can you please help to provide you guidance on this. Below is the link to the file I am having the issue. Thanks!




4 Replies

@Charles_Kenyon Thanks for the resource link provided. However, it doesn't help to source the issue I am encountering because it doesn't work even trying on the suggesstion.



There are numerous causes for blank pages that can't be deleted. You tried everything suggested in that webpage?


You can, if you want, prepare a cleaned-up sample document that still has the problem, save it on OneDrive or Dropbox, and post a link here for us to look at.


Why a sample file is important for troubleshooting - - - - - - - and how to do it.


Background information and thoughts on how Word works:



The issue is that the paragraph mark that follows the table in your document spills over onto the next page. This is a scenario which is covered in Suzanne S. Barnhill's article


Reducing the height of the table row(s) will help. 


Or you can apply formatting to the paragraph mark (see Suzanne's article). 


