Team's File - Word Document - IMPOSSIBLE to UN-highlight text after copy and paste out of Teams

Iron Contributor

We attach documents in Team's channels and many of them are Word documents.  We have a Word document in a Team's channel that has various parts of the text highlighted with different colors behind the text to point out different areas of concern.  If we select the entire document, copy it and then paste into a new Word document that is not in Team's, we absolutely cannot turn the highlighting off in the new document.  Can change the color of the highlighting to something else, but if we turn that new highlighting off it returns to whatever color it was highlighted in the Team's version.  We can turn the highlighting off in the document in Teams, but if we copy the contents into a different Word document, it's locked with those colors for life.  

8 Replies
Can you upload a document into which you have pasted some text from a Teams document so that we can investigate the issue.

@phlyx If you select the high lighted text and press CTRL+Space, the high lighting will be removed.




Note, the font may revert to that specified for the underlying style.


That changes the font to the default font, changes all font colors to black, removes any text formatting for bold, underlined, struck through, everything. Removes ALL formatting. Not a solution, we're trying to just remove highlighting. If you select the text and click on highlighting and click on No Color is does absolutely nothing. It's a bug and another shortcoming to Teams.

@phlyx Are you sure that it was highlighting and NOT shading? 


If you select the text (CTRL+a) and then go to the Shading tab of the the Borders and Shading dialog (accessible from the dropdown in the Paragraph section of the Home tab of the ribbon and then select Text from Apply to dropdown and set Fill to White Backgound 1 and click on OK, the coloured shading will be removed without affecting any other direct formatting.




This is the result of following that procedure







Not sure how you got there but shading does nothing to my document as you can see in this video.
And regardless of that, this is a bug in the relationship between Teams and Word and needs to be fixed, not worked around.

@phlyx You missed one step:


If you select the text (CTRL+a) and then go to the Shading tab of the the Borders and Shading dialog (accessible from the dropdown in the Paragraph section of the Home tab of the ribbon and then select Text from Apply to dropdown and set Fill to White Backgound 1 and click on OK, the coloured shading will be removed without affecting any other direct formatting.



You can report the bug to Microsoft via the Feedback facility on the Help tab of the ribbon.   However, as there is a simple work-around, it may not rate highly for attention.

Ahhh, so it appears that when a Word document is copied into Teams it's fine but when the text in a Word document in Teams is copied out of Teams and back into a Word document it changes "highlighting" to "shading". Thanks. We're finding many, many things in Teams are "work-arounds" rather than "works". If they could just get their go to message part of the search feature straightened out it would be almost tolerable. Very, very buggy.