Forum Discussion
Jan 31, 2024Copper Contributor
Macro to remove brackets
I wonder if any VBA experts can help. I found online the following macro to remove square brackets.
Sub RemoveSquareBrackets()
Dim oRng As Range
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
With oRng.Find
.Text = "\[*\]"
.MatchWildcards = True
While .Execute
With oRng
Select Case MsgBox("Do you want to remove brackets?", vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "???")
Case Is = vbYes
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
Case Is = vbNo
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
End With
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub
I want a simpler macro that simply removes the first brackets to the left and right of the cursor (i.e. just one pair of brackets) and does not cycle through the document. If there are no brackets or only a single bracket then a pop up to give a warning.
Many thanks in advance.
inarbeth Use
Dim oRng As Range Set oRng = Selection.Range With oRng .Start = ActiveDocument.Range.Start .Start = .Start + InStrRev(.Text, "(") - 1 .End = ActiveDocument.Range.End .End = .Start + InStr(.Text, ")") .Characters(1).Delete .Characters(.Characters.Count).Delete .Select End With
- inarbethCopper Contributor
Doug_Robbins_Word_MVP Many thanks, Doug. It works very well with one issue. If there are no brackets left, it removes the first two characters in the document. Sorry for my ignorance but how do I insert a condition to Exit Sub if no bracket is found?
inarbeth Use
Dim oRng As Range Set oRng = Selection.Range With oRng .Start = ActiveDocument.Range.Start .Start = .Start + InStrRev(.Text, "(") - 1 .Characters(1).Delete .End = ActiveDocument.Range.End If InStr(.Text, ")") <> 0 Then .End = .Start + InStr(.Text, ")") .Characters(.Characters.Count).Delete End If End With