Inserting large curly/square brackets in an equation!

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone,


I have searched high and low for this one and surprisingly no answers exist on the interwebs!

How do I insert large curly/square brackets into an equation? I have attached two examples showing exactly what I aim to end up with.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks 🙂



3 Replies



Curly brackets

Curly brackets usually mean that they combine several things. With Word, however, it is not easy to create a curly bracket over multiple lines. However, a little tip is enough to solve the problem:


     In the “Insert” tab, click on “Text field” and write the desired curly bracket in the text field.

     Now click on this text field at the edge with the right mouse button and select “AutoShape / Format graphic”.

     Under Line select “No Color” for “Color”.

     The curly brackets in the text field can now be enlarged as desired using the font. Just make sure that the text field must also be drawn larger accordingly.

     You can now move the text field you created to the desired position.


Keyboard shortcuts in Word

Many users find that using an external keyboard with keyboard shortcuts for Word helps them work more efficiently. For users with mobility or vision disabilities, keyboard shortcuts can be easier than using the touchscreen, and are an essential alternative to using a mouse.


I would be happy to know if I could help.



I know I don't know anything (Socrates)

* Kindly Mark and Vote this reply if it helps please, as it will be beneficial to more Community members reading here.

Hello @MaskusKit ,


while I have never used equations before in Word, I looked into what Word offers. This reply is more searching then answering, so bear with me - we both might learn something :-).


If you go to the Insert ribbon, there is the Symbol menu with Equation. Once you click on this, a new filed with a new on-deman ribbon will appear, called "Equation". There is the "Structure" menu, under which you find "Bracket". There is a handfull of options, including large curly brackets. From what I have tried, this is what you need.


I kind'a think you've tried that, but on the other hand - if you had, you would have found the same thing like me. 

So, does this help or not?

I attach what I reproduced:


BTW, thank you for this question - I always wanted to know how this magic is done. Now I actually know :D.
I just love Word. Despite all the drawbacks and stepbacks, you gotta give it to the developers, some things are truly cool...