Nov 16 2022 10:25 AM
I'm using another system to produce a transcript (ProCAT Winner) and when I paste into Word, dashes will sometimes, not always, come over as the squares as shown in the highlighted portions of the below picture. I need to find out how to do a find/replace on these symbols so that I can easily replace all the squares with the correct dash mark that they are supposed to be, but I cannot figure out how to do so. Thank you in advance for your help!
Nov 17 2022 02:19 PM
Try selecting one of the squares and pressing Ctrl+H.
That should be in your find window.
Put a dash in the replace with window and press Replace.
What happens?
The most common explanation, I believe, is that Word does not recognize the font or the font does not have that character.
If you would like, copy a few lines with these into an anonymous new document and post a link to that document here so we can look at it.
Why a sample file is important for troubleshooting - - - - - - - and how to do it.
Nov 25 2022 08:47 AM
@Charles_Kenyon I have my Ctrl-H remapped to something else. =/ Can you tell me what command it is that I should have mapped to the Ctrl-H and I can put it back and try that. I know that it doesn't work with the typical highlight and Ctrl-F which brings up my find window.
Nov 25 2022 11:05 AM
Nov 26 2022 07:26 AM
Nov 26 2022 07:27 AM
Nov 28 2022 02:54 AM
Nov 28 2022 07:25 AM
Nov 28 2022 02:19 PM
@Charles_Kenyon Here, I think this one worked. Saving it in docx format was removing the squares upon reopening it.
Nov 29 2022 05:34 AM