Forum Discussion
Unable to download Windows 10 ARM preview
Thanks for sharing more info, I could now exactly understand what is your problem.
You signed in to the website but you are not a registered Windows Insider so you are not allowed to download the Insider Preview build.
To register into the Windows Insider Program, click the following link:
After registering, you can download the build from the link you have given in the original post. If you cannot find the link, just check my attached "1.mp4" video in the previous reply.
I suspect @angeljesus14 might be having a similar issue to what I'm currently experiencing where the Windows Insider registration page never loads. I get a bunch of spinning dots, but no content other than the header. I've tried different computers, browsers, different internet connections, Mac, Windows, etc. No difference in the result other than Firefox on Windows has "Content Loading…" instead of those inane blue dots.
Now, if someone could help me figure out a way to get registered, that would be greatly appreciated.