Hi BritishRailClass142,
Good Day!
Please try to set your timezone according to the update timezone.
We can set date and time according to specific timezone. Powershell commandlet set-timezone can be made use of for this requirement.
Please type get-timezone - listavailable
On your powershell screen, you will see a list of timezones available. Please make note of Id field of your prefered timezone.
Next, type set-timezone - Id "Id of timezone" and enter. This should reset date and time according to timezone.
Example : set-timezone - Id "Pacific Standard Time" . This will set date and time to Pacific time (US & Canada)
Reference link :
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.management/set-timezone?vie...Please let me know if this works. Thank you.