Tech Community Live: Microsoft Intune
Oct 01 2024, 07:30 AM - 11:30 AM (PDT)
Microsoft Tech Community

BUG 22000.71 - Transparent taskbar appears after it crashes and reloads itself in Battery Saver Mode

Silver Contributor

There is currently a bug in build 22000.71 where the taskbar crashes when we try to open the calendar and notifications area. Another bug can be found where after the taskbar crashes, it reloads but when the computer is in battery saver mode and if the taskbar crashes, a taskbar with transparent background loads and appears. This can only be resolved when you restart your PC or turn off Battery Saver Mode.


Video Description: At 0:42, it may seem here that the system froze when I was opening the action centre but actually, I was turning off Battery Saver Mode.


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