Slow access to onedrive and sharepoint in file explorer

Copper Contributor

I have a surface 8 that came pre installed with windows 11 Enterprise. It is on update 22000.348. The user for this machine has both a onedrive account and access to a large sharepoint. When just the onedrive account is connected, the access speeds are fine, but when the sharepoint is also connected, it takes 5-10 seconds for file explorer to open files/folders in either directory. The odd thing is, access speeds are normal when browsing through folders from the sidebar. It's only opening files or folders from the main window that has the massive delay. 


Things I have tried so far:

  • Reinstalling onedrive
  • Clean install of Windows 11
  • Putting the file browser window in in full screen by pressing f11
  • Bringing back the windows 10 file explorer via a registry key. (This did not work at all, was it patched out?
  • Tested with a 3rd party file browser (works perfectly, but this is not an acceptable solution.)

Is there something else that I can try? I have read that the preview builds introduced changes that might fix this issue, any ideas on when that might go live?

3 Replies
I'm having the same issues. Running windows 11 on a surface book 3 (15 inch model with 32 gb ram and GeForce 1660 ti).

Will be downgrading to windows 10, it is currently too inefficient to work in the Sharepoint environment from windows 11.

I have tried the following things:
- reinstalling onedrive
- resyncing all my folders
- clean installation of windows 11
I am also having issues with sharepoint with using CSOM to integrate. It takes 30 seconds to connect. I sent a support ticket to Microsoft and Microsoft basically told me that I will have to pay them to fix their issues.

This issue still persists. Is there a fix in the pipeline?