Sep 24, 2023Copper Contributor
Multiple Monitors Numbers And Resolutions
Hi, My first post in this Coummunity so please be gentle with me. I have a questions about multiple monitors in Windows 11. I have 4 monitors all connected by HDMI cable to a single NVDIA graphics card. When I view thise monitos in Settings->Display they have been allocated Monitor Numbers 2,3,1,4. How do I change these numbers? Hopefully to 1,2,3,4?
My 2nd question is I have 2 identical monitors (Acer EB321HQU C) but in the Settings->Display they have different resloutions - namely 1560x1440 and 2048x1152. I would like to make the lower resolution monitor have the same higher resolution as the other one but Windows does not give me that option. How do I do this please or is there a reason I cant. Many thanks.